From Left Field (Single Parent AU): Part 3 [Final]

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It was a Saturday and you and Mason were doing arts and crafts in the living room. When you heard a knock on the door, you got up and looked through the peephole. Within a second, you pulled it open and lips were on yours in an instant. You make a noise of surprise and pull away, looking at Bucky.

"I thought you'd be at home asleep."

"I was. I got a few hours in and then came here."

Your shift ended at eight in the morning. It's noon. Bucky, you only got four hours of sleep?!"

"I wanted to see you," he said with a smile, "I couldn't stop thinking about you throughout my entire shift. You had me so distracted, missy," he teases as he grabs you by the waist and pulls you closer to him.

You hummed, looking into his beautiful blue eyes, "Sounds like that's your fault for thinking about me so much."

"That so, huh?" he leans in to kiss you but it, unfortunately, interrupted by Mason.

"Look, Bucky! I make a snake!" he holds up the paper mache snake you both made, it still wet from the paint.

Bucky moves away from you and towards Mason, "Woah, buddy! That looks super cool! Think you could make one for me?" he goes over and sits on the couch, giving all his attention to your son. Ugh. How is he so perfect?

You go over and join Bucky on the couch, who smiles at you before giving his attention to Mason.

That's when Mason looks at the both of you and ask, "Is Bucky my new daddy now?"

"Baby, why would you ask that?"

"You and Bucky kiss. Kissing is for mommies and daddies."

You and Bucky look at each other, silently trying to figure out what to say or do.

"Um, Mason, buddy, I love you and your mommy very much."

"I love you too," Mason says so simply and it makes Bucky want to cry with joy.

"That's good to hear, buddy. Your mommy and I love each other a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm your daddy."

"Will you be my daddy?" Mason asks hopefully. Part of you wants to cry happy tears, the other makes you want to cry sad tears.

"Maybe someday, I will, buddy. Just not right now. But, if you want, you can call me daddy. That is, if your mommy is okay with that."

"Can I call Bucky my daddy, mommy? Pwease, pwetty pweeeaase?"

You give a soft nod, "Of course, baby."

Mason immediately wraps his arms around Bucky, despite them being covered in paint, "I love you, daddy!"

Bucky hugs Mason back, mumbling into his hair, "I love you too, Mason."


3 Years Later

"Faster, daddy, faster!!"

Bucky whinnied, and shuffled faster along the floor of your apartment, "We're gonna get you, mommy!!"

"Aaaahhh! Noooo!" you cry out as Bucky and Mason "catch up" to you and "knocks you down" onto the floor, "Oh no! You got me!"

"Attack mommy!" Bucky cries out as Mason hops off his back and launches himself at you. Tiny hands tickling at your stomach.

"Hey! No tickles! No-AAAHH!" you scream out with another, bigger pair of hands are at your sides, "No fair!" you cry out as both your husband and son deliver a nasty set of tickles, "I give! I give!"

Bucky then pulls Mason off you and lets him sit on his lap, "We got her, buddy! The monster is slayed!"

"Yeah! You're dead now, mommy!" Mason then looks up at Bucky and whispers all too loudly, "Now you have to kiss her to wake her up, daddy."

"Says who?"

"Says the stories you tell me!"

"Well, I guess I have to then, huh?" Bucky moves Mason off him and he crawls of to your "dead" body.

He turns your head towards him and delivers a soft kiss to your lips. You didn't move, "It's not working, buddy! I think we both need to kiss her." Mason scrambles over to you and kisses your lips, then followed Bucky.

"Huh? What? What happened?" you feign confusion as you sit up, pretending to stretch out your arms.

"She's awake now!" Bucky yells victoriously and wraps his arms around you and Mason. The three of your giggling as you all collapse onto the floor of your shared apartment.

Bucky never expected you and Mason would become his family after he first met the both of you in the park a few years ago. He's so grateful to have met you, not to mention proving Sam wrong. You brought nothing but joy and happiness to his life. And he did the same to you. Loving Bucky came from left field and you wouldn't change it for anything in the world. 

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