From Left Field (Single Parent AU): Part 1

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As requested by anonymous: I just got back from taking my son to the park and I saw a guy there that reminded me of a chubby Bucky. Now I'm just imagining chubby Bucky falling for a mother. It would be the sweetest thing in the world and he would be such a wonderful stepdad!


You walked with Mason, his tiny hand in yours, as you approached the playground. He was your little mini me, the love of your life. Sure, things didn't work out with his dad, your ex, but it didn't matter. You loved Mason with all that you had.

"Mommy?" the four year old looked up at you with curiosity.

"Yeah, baby?"

"Can I go on the slides?"

"Of course, Mase. C'mon!" you excitedly tugged him towards the slides and he followed you excitedly, his adorable giggle reaching your ears and bringing a big smile to your face.


Bucky jogged around the park once more. This was, what, his sixth or seventh lap? He honestly wasn't counting. He was exhausted but he needed to get rid of the weight he's gained. He just-He just has to.

With his headphones on and hoodie covering his head, he's pushing through another lap. His body is aching and he's sweating like crazy. You can do this, Bucky. You got this. He thinks to himself.

His eyes glance at the playground and then back on the path. But something catches his eye, better yet, someone. As he continues jogging by, he watches as you descend down a slide with a little boy on your lap. Your son perhaps. His giggles and the smile on your face causes him to smile at the sight. It's a cute sight...a very cute one indeed.

As if feeling his gaze on you, you look up and Bucky immediately looks away. He's kind of happy that he's so red and sweaty already, so you don't know that his cheeks are actually heating up more from you catching him.

Just pay attention on jogging, Bucky.


About thirty minutes go by and you're pushing Mason on the swings now. Every time he comes your way, you tickle him and he's laughing as he swings away.

"Stop it, mommy! It tickles!"

"That's why I keep doing it!" you wiggle your fingers towards him and he squeals, trying to escape the torturous tickles.

Rrring! Rrring! "Ice creeeaam!" a man with an ice cream cart yells.

Mason's eyes widen and he looks at you, "Ice cweam, mommy! Can we get ice cweam?!"

You chuckle at your excited little boy, "Of course, baby." you help him off the swing and he bolts over to the ice cream cart, with you rushing after him.

He's bouncing excitedly as he looks at the options on the cart. Then he spots one, "Ninja Turtle! Ninja Turtle!"

"That's what you want, buddy?" he nods and you smile at the man, "Hi. Can I get a ninja turtle and a choco taco please?" the man tells you the price and you hand him the money. He then gives you the Ninja Turtle popsicle and you open it, handing it off to mason.


"Mason, what do you say?"

"Tenk yooouu!" he says to the man and immediately chomps into the popsicle. You snort at your son's savagery. As soon as Mason turns around, he bumps into someone and then drops his popsicle, "Oh no! Mommy!"

Chubby!Bucky Series/Multi-Part FicsWhere stories live. Discover now