From Left Field (Single Parent AU): Part 2

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The days had come and gone, and now it was Saturday which meant that you would be meeting up with Bucky at the coffee shop. With Mason strapped into his car seat, his usual essentials packed, you were on your way to Queens.

During that time, you played your playlist of Disney songs. You and Mason sang along to every song, doing your best to hit all of the accurate notes, and laughing when you couldn't.

Eventually, you arrived to Queens and the apartment complex of your babysitter. You climbed the steps and let Mason knocked on the door. Seconds passed and it swung open.

"Mason, my buddy!"

"Peter!" your son exclaimed and hugged the teenager's legs.

Peter chuckled, "It's good to see ya, Mason." and with your four year old still attached to his legs, Peter leaned in and hugged you, "Hey, Y/N."

"Hey, Pete. Thanks for watching him."

Peter snorted, "C'mon, Y/N. I love Mason. He's my buddy, right?"

"Right!" Mason exclaims with a jump.

You knelt down and kissed your son's cheek, "Alright, baby. Be good for Peter, okay?"

"Okay, mommy. Love you!"

"I love you too, baby." with another kiss and a hug and a thank you to Peter, you were on your way to Maximoff's Cafe.


Bucky arrived to the cafe early because he was nervous. Yes, he knew this wasn't a date, but still. This was his first time making a friend in a long time and he just needed to get his nerves settled.

Wanda, one of the baristas and owner of the cafe, got him some chamomile tea to ease his nerves. It did nothing. So thanks for nothing, Wanda!

So he just sat at a table being a bundle of nerves as he waited for you.

"Hey, Bucky!" you approached him with a smile, when you arrived just on time, "How long have you been waiting here?"

"Oh not long." Liar. You've been here for the past hour!

"Oh, okay! I've never been here before. It looks so cool and homey."

"My friends own the place, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff. Brother and sister duo."

"Cool. So that means you must get free drinks?"

Bucky snorted, "Not even close. But I do get free pastries and sandwiches."

"That's so much better than free drinks!"

"Yup and clearly," he grabs his around stomach, "I love to eat. A lil' too much that it's obviously become a problem?"

You look at him curiously, "A problem?"

"I gained a lot of weight the past few years. Don't look my best. That's why I was all gross and sweaty at the park, if you noticed. Been trying to work it all off."

"Are you unhealthy?"

"No. I just-I'm not all that great to look at right now. Few years back people said I was handsome, hot, sexy, whatever. I didn't think too much of it. And I guess I took that for granted 'cause now-"

You shook your head, "Stop that, Bucky."


"Diminishing yourself. Sure, you've gained weight, but that doesn't mean the more you gain the less valuable you are."

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