Work Ethic (Professor AU)***

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Summary: You're Professor Barnes' TA and you're at his place helping him grade papers as well as something a little extra.

Warning: smut, cock warming


You made your way down the hall and to the apartment of Professor James Barnes, the handsome professor you're currently the TA for. You knock on his door, arms filled with the papers that you and he have to collectively grade. You wait for a few seconds and the door swings open to reveal your professor, donning his glasses and one of those adorable sweaters he tends to wear.

"Hey, lemme help you with that!" he greets you with a smile and grabs the overflowing stack, moving to the side so you can step in.

You move to his small dining room table where you two usually grade papers. You set your half of the papers onto the wooden platform and as soon as you turn around, lips are on yours.

You're startled for a moment, but it doesn't take long for you to kiss back. You pull away with a giggle, "Hi."

James, or Bucky, as he likes you to call him in private, smiles at you, "Hi."

"Same routine as usual? I grade, you comment or-"

Bucky shakes his head, "No, well, yes, but," his hands go to your waist and he pulls you close to him, your body bumping into his round stomach, "I wanna do something a little different."

He takes both stacks of papers and guides you into his bedroom, a place you're very familiar with. He sets the papers onto his bedside and he begins to undress.

You cock a brow and give him a smirk, "We're gonna grade papers while naked?"

He throws his knitted sweater at you, making you laugh, "We, my darling baby girl, are gonna grade papers while naked, but, not only that," he slowly stalks towards you as he unbuckles his belt, pulling it from the loopholes oh so sexily, "we are gonna grade papers naked while you," his tone lowers and his voice is husky, making you want to melt into a puddle, "sit that pretty pussy of yours on my cock, keepin' it nice and warm for me." his licks his lips and smirks at your dilated pupils and bated breathing, "How does that sound, sweetheart?"

You gulp, "Sounds perfect...professor."

Bucky then practically tore your clothes off in-between heated kisses. You push him towards the bed, he grunts as he falls onto the mattress, but chuckles when you all too enthusiastically crawl over to him. You straddle his lap, your fingers wrapping around his semi-hard cock. But in no time, with a few pumps of your hand and some sexy groans from your dear professor, his cock his ready to go.

Before you sink down on him, you grab the pile of ungraded essays and accidently slam them onto Bucky's chest. He grunts, "Easy there, sweetness."

You give him a sympathetic and slightly embarrassed smile, "Sorry," you then reach over to grab two red pens from his drawer, handing him one, "Ready?"

He nods, "Lemme feel your pussy, sweetheart."

You take hold of Bucky's cock, teasing your hole a bit before slowly sliding down onto him. You bite your lip to hold your whimpering, loving how he stretches and fills you so well.

"Ah Christ," he grunts through the grit of his teeth. Once you're settled, you both let out a deep breath, trying to control the urge of fucking each other senseless, "Alright, shall we?" he takes a small stack of papers and hands them to you.

You nod, "We shall."

Thirty minutes later and ten papers in, you're wiggling on Bucky's lap. He's grunting and then you gasp when you feel his hand land a soft blow to your ass, "Quit movin'."

"I'm trying to get comfortable, my foot's asleep."

"Y/N, I'm about two seconds away from tossing these papers and fuckin' ya silly," he warns you.

You coyly look at him, letting your hand splay out on his stomach and then dragging your nails down, "Would that be so bad, professor?"

You watch as his grip on his pen tightens, "Yes, because we still have a lot more papers to go through and we don't have time for your games."

You pout at him, "Well I'm not the one who suggested this, am I, professor? Besides, I think it's about time we need a break, don't you think?" you roll your hips down causing Bucky's breath to catch.

His jaw clenches and he sets the paper he was currently grading to the side, "Fuck it." with a swipe of his hand, all of the papers, graded and ungraded, rain across the floor. He wraps his arms around you and rolls you over. He's now on top and he looks irritated, "You want me to fuck you silly, babygirl, fine. I'll fuck you silly," he grunts as he thrusts hard into you causing you to moan out in pleasure.

His dark chuckle reaches your ears and you feel yourself getting turned on further, "You're gonna regret distracting me from my work, sweetheart."

You didn't get to finish grading those papers that night. And Bucky was wrong, you didn't regret it one bit.

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