Like A Switch (Truck Driver AU)***

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As requested by anonymous: Would you be willing to write something with chubby!Bucky where he discovers he really likes being called "sir"? + Ooh I love chubby Bucky so much! Enjoy your holiday!!!! May I request something where chubby!Buck seems a little shy in bed at first and maybe self conscious and you say something that kinda flips a switch and he's totally dominant and confident? Like maybe saying "sir" or something? + 's request: Bucky takes her on a weekend away And the 3nd up doing hardly any sightseeing as the hotel bedroom is just too inviting

Warning: smut - male mastrbation, p in v sex


"A vacation?" you look at Bucky curiously as you're laying on the bed of a motel off the road in Oregon.

Bucky nodded. He sat up against the headboard, with a shirt and his boxers. He set a hand on your arm, "You okay with that? Going on a vacation? With me?" Bucky loved you, there was no doubt about that. But because of his job and the way he looked, people didn't see him as important or attractive. You've made it very clear with him that you loved him just as much, but Bucky was always afraid that you'd figure out this isn't what you want, that he isn't what you want.

You sat up on the bed and crawled over to Bucky, straddling his lap and resting your hands on his shoulders, "Of course I'm okay with it, Buck. I told you, I'm not going anywhere. Wherever you are, I wanna be. Whether it's on the road or some beach in Florida. I don't care as long as I'm with you."

Bucky smiled at you with that same fondness in his eyes that you always see. He tapped his lips with his fingers, "Gimme some love, baby."

You giggled, "Yes, sir," and closed the distance by pressing your lips to his.

Bucky grabs a hold of your waist, pulling you in closer, deepening the kiss. You began to grind down onto his crotch and he could feel himself getting hard, but he had to stop. He needed to stop.

He pulled away with a sad sigh, "I'm sorry, Y/N." this has happened before. When things were starting to get hot and heavy, Bucky halted everything. He wanted to have sex with you, he really did. He was just afraid. He was afraid that you'd look at his stomach and see how he's not a guy you should be with and you'd leave him. He explained this the first time it happened and since then, your response is always, "Don't be. Whenever you're ready."

It made him feel even more like crap because you'd get all riled up just to end up being disappointed. Bucky wasn't a virgin or anything. He's had his fair share of one night stands and the likes. But this was different. He loved you so much and the thought of you leaving him because of how he looked...he couldn't take it.

You pressed a gentle to kiss to his lips, "Don't be sorry, Buck. I'm the one who should be sorry. I got excited," you have a little chuckle and then climbed off his lap, "Let's get some sleep, ya? All that needs to be done tomorrow is drop off the trailer and we're home bound."

You shimmied yourself under the blankets after turning off the bedside light, "Goodnight, babe. I love you."

Bucky sighed as he slid into bed beside you, wrapping his arms around you, "Goodnight, I love you too."


The hotel Bucky chose sat right before a beach. The sea breeze blowing through the balcony door. It wasn't fancy or anything, but it sure beat the small motels that you were both used to staying at.

You stood on the balcony, soaking up the sun. Your eyes closed and the sunlight beaming down on you. You looked like a goddess.

You hear a familiar click and the sound of a photo developing. You turned around to see Bucky with his polaroid camera in hand, already shaking the photo to develop.

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