The Lecture (Professor AU)***

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Summary: You've noticed the professor you TA for has been a bit tense lately, so you figured out something that could help him let loose a bit.

Warning: smut - blowjob, semi-public, talks of psychology - i legit took out my old research methods of psych notes for this. haha


You've noticed these past two weeks how stressed Bucky's been. Next week is midterms week so he's been cramming to finish up lectures and complete the final exam, whilst also grading his classes' drafts for their research papers. Luckily, you were there to lighten the load, but you also felt bad. With all the grading and lecture prep, you and Bucky haven't had a very active sex life, preferring to put your jobs first. But now you see how much of a toll that's taking on Bucky.

Your lives were so busy, you couldn't even get a quickie in. You had to admit you were a bit frustrated, but you understood the circumstances. But it seemed like Bucky needed this. So, as you're hiding under his usual podium where he lecture, you're hoping he'd be okay with what you're about to do.


Bucky walks into the lecture hall donning his usual sweater, tie, and glasses. He sets his satchel onto the table beside the podium, pulling out his lecture notes as well as plugging his flash drive into the computer. When he pulls up today's lesson and then moves to the podium, clicker and notes in hand. On the podium, there's a note from you with an arrow pointing down and a message saying: Just go about lecture. I'll take care of the rest. -Y/N

His brows furrow in confusion and then he jolts when he feels a hand cup his crotch. He looks down and you peek your head from behind the curtain of the podium. You give him a wink that immediately sends jolts down his body and to his cock. He smirks and thinks to himself, Naughty girl.

As soon as the clock hits ten, Bucky clears his throat and the class falls into silence. He presses 'next' on his clicker and the first slide appears, giving short bullet points that students begin to write down as he starts his lecture.

"So we left off at the beginning of ethics. Reminder, ethics are behaviors that are guided by the sense of right and wrong. In our case, they are the set of rules that psychologists follow as to how to and not to treat the participants in their research."

He changed the slide and continued on, "The Nuremberg Code are the set of research ethics principles that came as a result of the human experimentation of POWs b-" he chokes a bit when he feels your hand slip into his slacks pull out his semi-hard cock," b-by the Nazis. There are the APA Ethical Principles and the ten specific ethical standards that will be on the final and I expect you to know all of them."

He takes a deep breath as your hand begins to pump his length. He clears his throat and moves his notes around to try to keep himself grounded. God, this was so risky. You're pleasing him in front of fifty plus students and they don't even know. The thought was so anxiety inducing yet so arousing. Bucky never thought he'd so something as risky as this, but then again, he can never say no to you. He was wrapped around your finger.

He clears his throat and continues, stumbling over his words a bit, "T-The Belmont Report is one that concerns the ethics and care in research. It contains three principles, can anyone tell me what those principles are?"

A few students raise their hands and Bucky immediately picks on MJ, because he knows she'll talk for a good minute or two, "Go ahead, MJ."

She begins to speak, but Bucky's ears are ringing as he feels your tongue give kitten licks to his now leaking tip. He nods his head, appearing to MJ and the class that what she's saying is right. He knows she is, she's one of the smartest in his class.

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2021 ⏰

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