Shoot Your Shot (Cop AU)

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Summary: It's been weeks since you kissed your partner, Bucky, on the cheek. His feelings for you have grown and he's sure he'll explode if he doesn't do anything about it. Hopefully, you feel the same too.

A/N: since people have been asking for more. here's "sequel" to "Shoot Me in the Eye" I also just realized that what things that reader and Bucky do are more Detective status than Officer status. But I'm too lazy to change stuff in the first part. womp.


It had been a few weeks since that night in the diner, that night where Bucky Barnes was actually smiling and laughing. That night where he was pleasant and not the tightly wound up officer you worked with. That night where you kissed him on the cheek and proceeded to run for the hills afterwards. It had been weeks and you were still thinking about that night.

Things had changed after that night.

Bucky, although still very work-oriented at the precinct, lightened his demeanor whenever he was around you. His face was softer, less stoic and hard. He smiled a bit more, if the twitch of the corner of his lips indicated he was smiling. His banter was now filled with light-heartedness, playful smirks, and longing gazes, although, you didn't know they were longing gazes.

Bucky Barnes had changed, slightly, but only with you. And you were okay with it.


You came into work and was greeted to a cup of coffee as well as a muffin from your favorite cafe place down a few blocks. You sat down at your chair, softly smiling at the treats before you.

"I figured you'd want a change from the crappy stuff they have here," Bucky said, not looking up from the file before him.

You smiled at him, even if he couldn't see it, "Thanks, Bucky."

"You're welcome," he mumbled, eyes still focused on the file, but only to hide his blushing cheeks.

You settled into your desk and opened up your computer to see if you got any emails regarding the trial for the suspect you and Bucky helped catch. Yes, you and Bucky managed to catch the person who killed your vic. Ended up being the best friend of her husband. He was jealous because they had an affair and she ended it. But he slipped, saying he was watching a musical at the theater at night.

It was Hamilton, he said, and Bucky made a comment, "Yeah. I found it interesting where Aaron Burr and Eliza get married."

The suspect nodded, "I know. Crazy, right?"

He proceeded to leave and that's when Bucky said, "He's our guy."

You smirked at his cleverness, "Aaron Burr didn't marry Eliza." It was also surprising to you that Bucky's knowledge of musical theater was widespread. It was a fun fact you didn't anticipate but appreciated knowing.


"Hey, Rookie."

You looked up to see Bucky standing with Steve, Sam, and Clint, fellow detectives at the precinct, "Hm?"

"The guys and I were gonna head out for a late dinner. Wanna tag along?"

You shook your head, "Thanks, but I gotta finish some these reports." you pat the pile of about ten files sitting on your desk.

Bucky proceeded to mumble something to his friends and joined you at your desk, while they left, "Alright, gimme some of those." he grabbed half of the stack and sat at his desk.

"What're you doing? Go eat with the guys!"

He shook his head, "You're gonna be here all night. I'm helping you out." he flipped open the file on top and began to read it through.

"You know...if someone were to tell me that the Bucky Barnes I met when I first came here would actually stay here and help me with reports rather than hang out with his friends, I'd call out their bullshit."

Bucky's eyes met yours, paired with a furrowed brow. His face softened when he realized how much of an ass he was to you when you started working together, "I'm sorry. I was an ass and you didn't deserve that kind of treatment. I was just bummed that I was stuck with a rookie who, at the time, I thought didn't know their stuff. But I was wrong. You're quite the clever badass, Y/N. I'm glad you're my partner."

You shot him a genuine smile, "That means a lot, Bucky. Thank you." your face then turned from pleasant to...regretful?, "I also want to apologize for-for the kiss weeks ago."

Bucky's brain began to short circuit. She regrets it. She clearly didn't mean it. Why would she mean it? She'd never go for a guy like me.

"It was unprompted and I'm sure it made you uncomfortable afterwards. I appreciate you not making it weird afterwards though. It won't happen again."

But I want it to happen again, "What if I want it to happen again?" Wait. What?

"Huh?" you asked shocked and wide-eyed.

He gulped and ducked his head down, avoiding your gaze, "I li-like you, Y/N. That night things changed for me. I saw you in a different light and then you kissed me and I felt like the gates opened up for me. I no longer found you a nuisance, but pleasant to be around. You're a breath of fresh air in this dull ass precinct.

"And I know I got no right asking ya, a guy like me never stands a chance with someone like you, but I'm gonna shoot my shot here and ask...would you like to go on a date with me sometime?"

"Really?" he nodded and you snorted, "Wow. Um..I'd love to go on a date with you."

Bucky lets out a breath of relief, his shoulders no longer tense, a weight lifted off his shoulders, "Great. That's-That's great."

You giggled as you repeated, "Cool," and then you went back to the report at hand, just with a smile on your face.

Bucky did the same, and was mentally jumping for joy.

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