The Usual Stop (Truck Driver AU)

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Summary: Every time Bucky goes down a certain route, he HAS to stop by this specific truck stop station just to see a special someone: you.


The city you lived in wasn't big at all. It only stretched about 10 miles and the only action it got was when the truckers would come around and hang out at the bar or the truck stop you worked out.

It wasn't a well paying job, but it brought food to the table, which is all you really cared about.

You more often than not found yourself working the late night shifts, 9pm to 5am. Honestly though, you didn't mind it. It was less busy during those hours and you often found yourself napping until someone walked through the door.

You've seen a lot of people come and go through your stop: families, couples, drunkards, and truckers. The truckers were always the nicest to you. They understood your struggle of having to work odd hours through the night while your body screamed at you for sleep.

There was one particular trucker that you were fond of and you met him a few years ago.


You sat mindlessly behind the counter, watching youtube videos to pass the time. You heard the familiar ding of the bell to signal that someone had walked in. You didn't really get to see their face, rather their stature. It was a man, about 6 foot something. He had a black hat atop his head, his body layered with a black hoodie and a denim jacket over it. His jeans clung to his legs pretty tight, they looked pretty toned.

When he turned around and faced you, you froze, "You got any hot coffee here?" You nodded and pointed to the little food station to your right, he gave you a nod, "Thanks," and sauntered over. You discreetly notice more things about him: 1) his stomach is slightly rounded protruding from his loose grey shirt, 2) his eyes are the bluest eyes you've ever seen, and 3) his voice is so velvety.

You made yourself sparse as you go back to your youtube videos, but not really paying attention to what you're watching. You're too distracted by the man.

Moments later, he startled you by setting down a cup of coffee and a premade sandwich onto the counter. He chuckled, "Sorry. Didn't mean to startle ya-" he glances at your nametag, "Y/N."

"It's alright," you mustered out as you scan the sandwich and put in the price of his coffee, "That'll be five-fifty, sir."

He chuckled again as he reached for his pocket, "No need to call me, sir. Makes me feel older than I really am." he pulled out six bucks and handed them to you, "Is it just you working here?"

You shook your head, "Nah. There's another guy here somewhere, but I'm pretty sure he's sleeping in the back," you said with a snort.

The man smiled, "Well that's unfair to ya." you heard a certain lilt in the way he talks and you can't stop yourself from bursting out a question.

"Where you from?" you asked with a head tilt

He softly smiled at you, "Originally from Brooklyn, New York."

"You been a lot of places since you're a trucker, right?" you handed him his receipt and change.

He nodded, "Guess you could say that. Although, I don't really get to enjoy it all. Mostly it's just me dropping off and picking up cargo or trailers. Most I get is stopping by a motel for rest and eating at some local diner or somethin'"

You sighed and propped your chin up with your hand, "Better than nothing. I'm stuck here for the time being."

"Why's that?" he tilted his head with interest.

Chubby!Bucky Series/Multi-Part FicsWhere stories live. Discover now