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Cassyan led us to the study I had spoken with Vansius in before. I would have been interested in exploring the room if it didn't belong to him.

There was a cloth on the table covering a small object. Vansius stood over it like a cat that had brought a dead bird into the house. He motioned for me to step nearer, but I refused. Cassyan took a dutiful place by his side, looking small and fragile.

Beta stood in battle-mode, even though I knew she wouldn't attack him without provocation. She couldn't risk an incident. Still, I moved closer to her, able to stop her if she acted rash.

Vansius seemed amused at us, even though nobody had spoken. He showed his fangs and began to speak as if he was a college professor giving a presentation, "What do you know about Essence?"

I opened my mouth, but shut it. He was probably being rhetorical. I remembered reading about the theory of Essence, but found it too speculative for my tastes.

"The Essence of a creature or thing is the simplest form of it's existence. Everything could be the same, physically, mentally and chemically, but if the Essence is changed or removed, the thing would be unrecognizable. Essence makes us what we are."

He seemed... vaguely passionate while he spoke. I didn't want to think that Vansius had a soul, but he clearly felt strongly toward his scientific practice, which showed in his face, softening his eyes.

"The Essence of moonlight is what calls a wolf to howl. The Essence of blood drives a vampire to rage. And the Essence of sun burns our skin and bodies." He removed the cloth from the small item on the table, revealing a syringe. The clear glass part had been wrapped in thick tape, but even with that covering, light leaked out of it.

Cassyan took a step back and I realized what it was.

"Essence of Sun..." I said before thinking.

Vansius picked up the syringe, "I wonder, my beloved wife, what would happen to one of vampire blood if they were to be injected with this?" He slowly stepped forward, "How painful would that be? To burn to death from the inside?"

Beta shouldered her way in front of me, "If you come near her with that thing, I swear to God I will kill you."

He laughed, "Ah, but of course. To knowingly strike her with this needle would be an act of aggression and I am nothing but a gentleman. My hand shall deliver no harm."

Beta relaxed ever so slightly, but her shoulders quickly tensed back up as Vansius casually handed the syringe to Cassyan, who looked petrified.

Vansius snapped his fingers, glancing over at his servant, "Cassyan."

Cassyan, as if by habit, looked up into his eyes and froze. His face contorted into an expression of fear, but his eyes became empty. A sick sensation rose through my body as he moved the Essence of Sun into his dominant hand.

Beta made a desperate sound that she quickly swallowed, "Don't you dare do this, Vampire! I am not above killing you to protect her!"

Cassyan didn't respond. He couldn't. He took a staggering step, but it was unclear which direction he was trying to move in.

"Cassyan." She tried again, "I know you're under his control, but you have to be stronger than him. You say you're stronger than I think, so prove it! Prove it, coward!"

Vansius smirked, moving to the edge of the room, away from the dramatic scene.

Beta frantically glanced at him and back to Cassyan, "I thought... I know we haven't known each other long and- and obviously, there are reasons why we have to be enemies, but... Cassyan, I know you wouldn't hurt her. Please don't do this."

Cassyan gasped like a fish out of water as his hand shook, readying the needle, "Uncle... please..." He choked out.

Vansius snapped his fingers once more and Cassyan plunged the needle into his own arm. Instantly, Vansius retracted his control and Cassyans eyes rolled back into his head as he fell to the floor in pain.

I screamed as Beta lunged forward to catch him. Cassyan began to let out an ungodly scream that I couldn't imagine coming from him. He clutched his arm in agony, writhing in Beta's grasp.

I shook my head in horror, refusing to believe what I was seeing, "How could you do this? This violates our agreement!" I shouted at Vansius.

He narrowed his dark eyes and spoke over Cassyan's broken cries, "I assure you it does not. As head of the household, it is my right- no, my duty to punish any crimes that are committed within these walls. And he is very guilty."

"Guilty? What did Cassyan ever do? He's done nothing wrong!"

"You do not know..." Vansius curled his lip, "Last night, your wretched companion visited his quarters and he gave in to temptation, breaking the same law that your parents discarded years ago. The punishment, of course, is death."

Beta flushed, but I wasn't sure if it was with anger or shame, "You're lying! As if I would even touch a vampire!"

"Do not lie to me, dog!" He snapped, "I expect your own people to punish you when you return."

Cassyan struggled to remain conscious, but I could see that his strength was failing him, "She's telling the truth..." He coughed, "We just talked... she's too upright to fall for me."

Vansius raised an eyebrow, as if amused by the situation, "Well, then I guess it is a shame that you must die. I don't mind. You look too much like my pathetic sister for my taste."

Cassyan cried out, baring his teeth in pain-blinded rage, "Don't mention her! Don't you talk about her! Murderer!"

Beta tore her sleeve with her teeth, binding his arm in cloth, "Bloodmoon!" She called to me, her eyes desperate, "We need to get him somewhere safe, Sister."

I nodded and stepped forward to help her move him, but she picked him up in her arms effortlessly.

Vansius didn't stop us as we left the study. He knew there was nothing that could be done. And deep in my heart I knew... he wouldn't have done this if I had kept my mouth shut.

Aaaand... I'm sorry Cassyan fans. If it helps, I also do not want him to go through this. But go through it he shall.

To make it up to you, here's a doodle I made while writing this:

If y'all want official character art, let me know. 

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