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Beta laid Cassyan onto his bed while I watched, still paralyzed with horror.

Makya, Ambrozia and Ozkyl heard us from their own rooms and filled the space. It suddenly felt crowded in the tiny area, so I backed away into the corner.

Ambrozia wailed at the sight of her brother, "Cassyan! What happened to him?"

I felt a hot rush of guilt. How could I have known Vansius would have done this?

"I'm sor-"

Beta spoke over me, still in action mode. She tore Cassyan's sleeve off of his arm, revealing charred black skin that was quickly spreading across his body, "Vansius injected him with sunlight! Is there anything that can be done?"

She looked at Ambrozia expectantly. Beta no longer had a plan and was forced to rely on the vampires.

Makya pushed forward, drawing a thick sword, "I'll cut his arm off." He said, surprising me with his voice.

Ambrozia jumped in front of him, "What? No! Look, it's already spread past his shoulder. This would just cause him pain for no reason!"

Makya's big shoulders shook, "But he'll die."

Those words hung in the air. Ambrozia dipped her head, her eyes filling with tears,"There's nothing we can do."

Ozkyl climbed up onto Cassyan's bed, shaking his shoulders, "Cass! Wake up, stupid!"

Cassyan's eyes flickered open and he groaned, "Ozkyl, please stop shaking me."

Ozkyl sobbed in response, his small frame looking even smaller. Cassyan smiled at his younger cousin and touched the boy's hair, "Aw, don't give me that face. It's okay."

Makya knelt down beside him and laid his big head next to Cassyan's, "You can't die." He said softly, "You said we wouldn't have to lose anyone to him again. You can't die or else you're a liar."

Cassyan's face wrinkled in regret, "Makya... I'm sorry. I'm not as strong as you are. I couldn't beat him. Please don't lose hope because of this. You won't ever have to worry again."

He looked past his family and straight into my eyes, "Bloodmoon Laureate..." He opened his hand to beckon me forward, "You can save us... you're the only one he can't afford to kill."

I crept up to his side, "Cassyan, I'm sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't realize he would retaliate like-"

Cassyan raised his hand to his mouth, making a 'shush' motion. Then he reached into his mouth and grabbed his sharp canine tooth, yanking it out of his head. I gasped and jolted backwards.

The tooth was quite long and sharp and inside of it, something shimmered like sunlight. I realized what it was.

"This is probably one of the only vampire fangs that is filled with sunlight." He rasped, "If Vansius got stabbed with this then... no more Vansius."

He dropped it into my hand, which instinctively closed around it.

"Be careful." He said, "You'll only have one chance."

I nodded. This was the opportunity to kill Vansius and save the vampires. I didn't have to marry him. I didn't have to forsake my pack. My eyes filled with tears, "I promise Cassyan. No matter what, I will protect your family. Nobody you love will die by his hand ever again."

He smiled and let out a relieved sigh.

I backed away to give him space, pocketing the tooth. Beta clenched her fist, "Why are you all acting like he's going to die? Isn't there anything we can do?"

Cassyan coughed out a laugh, "I didn't know you cared... ma'am."

Beta looked defeated, "You can call me Diana."

His eyes glistened, "Diana... I lied to you before. I said you may have been attractive if you were a vampire. I was lying. You're attractive now... in a rugged, tough sort of way. You have a really great jawline."

Beta made a face, "Jawline?"

"Yeah." He smiled, "It's so strong. Kind of scary. It's obvious you're a wolf."

Beta rubbed her face with her sleeve, "I... I'm sorry I judged you. You're a good friend to Bloodmoon, even if you are a vampire. I'm glad to have met you."

Cassyan nodded and winked at her, making her blush uncharacteristically.

Lastly, Ambrozia came forward and placed her hands on Cassyan's cheeks. She gently kissed his forehead as a tear rolled down her face.

Cassyan smiled sadly, closing his eyes, "I love you, Little Mouse."

Then he was gone.

Everyone could feel his presence fade, punctuated by a wail from Ambrozia. She pressed his face against his neck and sobbed. Makya fell to his knees and pulled Ozkyl close to him. I stood beside Beta and placed my arm around her shoulder.

She leaned into me, allowing herself to be comforted. The room was dark and cold. The world was quiet with the sounds of grief.

And above us, the killer sat unpunished.


The rest of the month crawled by like an eroding piece of tombstone. When the day to return home came, I barely felt the relief I had in the past. I just felt tired.

Damon met us at the edge of camp and his face quickly grew worried, "Are you.. both alright?" His brows lowered, "Did he hurt you?"

I began to speak, but Beta held up a hand, "We both need to talk to you, brother."

She hadn't spoken to me the entire way home. Hearing her voice now stung. She sounded broken.

Damon nodded and we went back to the house. I remembered the loft and wondered how I would go to bed each night further along in my pregnancy.

I then remembered that I hadn't told Damon. I quickly put a hand to my belly. It wasn't obvious yet, but I couldn't hide it from my husband. I wondered how he would react. If there was a chance for the child not to be his own, would Damon reject them? I couldn't blame him. Under different circumstances, I may have rejected them as well.

But not under these circumstances. Not while I was their mother.

We entered the home and Beta pushed the door closed, leaning against it. Her head was lowered, allowing us to speak without interruption.

I took her hand, "Big Sister, I think... I think you should speak to Damon first.

Her brow creased, "Are you sure?"

I nodded. She needed him more than I did.

I slipped away into the loft to allow them privacy and sat down on my bed, finally feeling that relief.

I fished Cassyan's tooth out of my pocket and stared at it. I knew I wouldn't be able to move past this until Vansius was dead. I couldn't.

Again- Sorry to all the Cassyan fans. Hope nobody got too attached.

But hey! We got a tooth!

Anyway, question time! If Cassyan had lived, would you have shipped him and Beta, or were they better off as ships in the night?

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