The Omega

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"Hurry up, Omega!" A large hunter barked, making me stumble. Thankfully I didn't drop his food or else I would have been in for another beating.

I handed him the plate of meat and stared for a few seconds, hoping he'd share some with me. He didn't seem interested in doing so, however, so I backed away and sat down in the corner.

The pack made sure that everyone was healthy and safe, but Omegas like me tended to fall through the cracks. In times when food was short, I would often go to sleep hungry.

Thankfully, we were currently in a plentiful season and it looked like there would be some food left over for me when everyone else was done eating. I was hungry now, but I didn't dare go up for food until all the higher ranking wolves decided they had had enough.

"Hey. Omega!"

I jumped. The beta was calling me. She was the Alphas younger sister. She was more forgiving than he was and I liked her, even if we never spoke.

I hurried over to her with my head bowed, waiting for an order.

"Have you eaten?" She said, gesturing to the food still left.

"No, Beta." I answered, my eyes locked on her lap, trying to avoid looking up at her. Did she think I had stolen food? It had happened before. A hunter had accused me of taking food before he could eat. I wasn't allowed to eat for the whole day after that.

The Beta didn't sound angry though, "Well, then go eat. Take as much as you would like."

I nodded, confused. I padded over to the table where the food had been placed. Was this a test? A prank? No matter what it was, I wasn't going to give her time to change her mind. I took a small, wooden plate and filled it with a few pieces of food. I only grabbed one piece of meat, taking mostly bread and vegetables. I didn't want anyone accusing me of greed.

As I moved back towards my spot in the corner I noticed the entire rest of the pack staring at me. Why had the Beta told me to eat. The Alpha hadn't even arrived for dinner, so what gave me the right to indulge myself?

I shook my head and sat on the ground, eating my meal with my head down. It didn't matter. If anyone had a problem with it, they could bring it up with Beta.

"Hey, Bloodmoon." A small pup sidled up next to me. His name was Trevor.

I cringed at the sound of my own name, but offered him a small loaf of bread that I had been about to eat.

"Thanks." He took it and sat down next to me. I saw his mother staring in our direction, but she was laden with four other pups, so she couldn't do much to get him away from me.

He was a good kid. Very kind. He was being taught the hiarchy as all werewolves are, but he didn't care. Just because he outranked someone didn't mean he couldn't be nice.

I loved talking to him, but I wasn't allowed to speak without being asked a question. If I struck up a conversation here, I would probably be bitten by somebody.

"I learned about Omegas today." He told me, "You're an Omega, right?"

I nodded, "Yes." The eyes of the pack were boring into me. Why was it whenever anyone treated me like a real person, everyone else decided to treat me like their personal entertainment.

"I learnt that Omegas are the lowest in the pack and that I shouldn't hang out with them. What do you think?"

I glanced back and forth between the faces of the pack and the innocent expression on Trevor's face.

"I think..." I prepared to say a proper response fitting of a lowly omega. But that would be a lie, "I think you should spend time with whomever you wish. And if you wish to spend time with someone like me, then that is testament to your good nature."

Several packmates lowered their ears and bared their teeth at my response. I was supposed to tell him I was unworthy of friendship. But I didn't want to. Why should I tell the only person who's treated me well that he should stop doing so?

Trevor's father, a large werewolf with long, brown hair stood up, "Omega! Watch your tongue or I shall rip it out!"

Other wolves began to murmur and jeer. The words 'hybrid' and 'half-breed' flew around like wasps, stinging my skin.

I lowered my head, but my hands shook with rage. I hadn't chosen this. My mother and father had fallen in love and had me, knowing full well that I would be a hated hybrid. I hadn't told them to have a child. Why did I get the punishment for their actions?

My packmates kept barking and launching insults. One of them, the same large hunter I had served before, roared with dark humor,

"Pathetic Omega!" He growled, "Nobody would ever want anything to do with one such as you! You're going to die mateless and without any children to bury you!"

I tried to hold back my tears, but I couldn't stop one from rolling down my cheek.

He continued taunting, "Are you crying? Aw... Poor little Hybrid Omega. What wretched idiot would ever have you?"

"What wretched idiot, indeed."

Silence fell. The Alpha had entered the dining pavilion. He was impressive. Standing taller than any of the others, even the wolves older than him. He had broad shoulders and tanned skin that shone bronze in the tourchlight. His face was thin and handsome, untouched by battlescars that clumsier werewolves usually bore. His hair was black as midnight, the same color as his wolf form's ebony fur. His brown eyes burned with a-thousand unsaid pieces of wisdom, yet they were always narrowed and ready to fight.

And he was talking about me.

"What wretched idiot would give his life, his protection and his heart to a litte hybrid Omega with half of the strength that a werewolf or a vampire should have? Who would give up their potential mates and take on this one, who can provide so little? Who would make this sacrifice, not for her, but for his pack? To bolster up the weakest of all of us to strengthen the foundation of the pack as a whole. I ask of all un-mated wolves here, which of you will take this Omega?"

The large hunter imedietly backed down and tried to act invisible. Other potential males avoided eye contact. My shame burned bright.

Part of me had hoped that one of these men would look at me and decide that I would be a suitable mate, despite my flaws. But apparently not.

"I see." The Alpha smirked, "There is nothing else to do. I, Alpha Damon...

"take Omega Bloodmoon as my mate."

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Question: If you were a werewolf, what would your place in the pack be? Leave your answers in the comments!

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