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Cassyan greeted us at the door,

"My wonderful auntie! Her horrifying friend! Hello!"

Beta grabbed his shoulder and slammed him against the stone wall, "Listen up, you albino wingrat. My name is 'Ma'am' to you, and so is hers."

He nodded, "Yes, ma'am."

I gently pulled Beta away, "Cassyan, do you think it would be possible for me to freshen up before I meet with Vansius?"

Cassyan nodded, "Of course. That's a given, isn't it? A long trip with no wings? Bound to get you a little grimy. Why don't you ladies go to your quarters to wash. I actually have someone who wants to meet you as well, if that's okay."

I nodded, "Sure." I wondered who it could be. Cassyan didn't strike me as the kind of person who had friends.

It felt like I was sneaking up to my room, despite having every right to be there. It didn't help that Beta hung at my shoulder like a body guard. Part of me suspected that she blamed herself for the mind-control placed on me before and now wanted to prevent it from happening again.

If I had my way, it wouldn't have to.

My head still hurt from the books I had been pouring over in the last couple of days, but I didn't give myself rest. I went over the information in my head as I took a bath, making sure I had it memorized. This would be a make-or-break moment. If I got even a small piece of information wrong, my entire plan would fall apart.

But I had to protect myself... And my child... From Vansius.

I dried my hair as Beta showed off the dresses she had found in my wardrobe.

"This one is pretentious, this one is too bright and this one just screams 'I make up for my lack of personality with lots and lots of money'." She said, giving her insightful opinion on each piece, "So, yeah, I think any of them would impress His Corpseliness.

I allowed myself a giggle and chose the second dress, which was a striking shade of ruby red. I couldn't help but disagree with Beta, which may have been my vampire side taking hold. I thought the bright color was lovely.

I turned around, glad that it hid my belly, which had grown ever so slightly. It wasn't big enough for anyone to notice but me, but the fact that I had noticed made me uncomfortable showing it off.

I had Beta style my hair the way she had before for the Howl. I closed my eyes, remembering that time. How had I ever been nervous for that? My life had been so simple then.

I sighed.

Beta gave me a little kiss on the forehead to reassure me.

"Ooh." Cassyan was standing by the door, which he had somehow opened without either of us hearing, "Using your magic healing spit to fix her sadness. I get it, I get it."

"Can you knock?" Beta threw a comb at him, which stuck into the wall beside his face, "She could have been naked, you pervert!"

"Sorry, sorry." Cassyan didn't seem that sorry, "I'm just excited to see you two. It's been a whole month without my favorite lady. And my boss's wife is here too."

Beta accidentally tugged my hair, "Curse your warped mind games, creature!"

I stood up, "Sounds like he likes you, Big Sister. You should tell him how you treat the other men that have come after your heart."

I gave her a wink and she recognized what I was saying. She laughed, "Ah, yes. Come, Vampire. If you really want this-" she gestured to herself dramatically, "then you must best me in combat. Only then shall you be a worthy mate."

Cassyan nodded, "Okay, so no more jokes between us. I understand." He coughed nervously, "Anyway- I have somebody who wanted to see you..."

I remembered what he had said, "Oh yeah! Of course. Who are they?"

Cassyan stepped away from the door, "Well, not a... 'Somebody'... More like a... Somebodies?" He cleared his throat, "You can come in now."

Three heads popped out from behind the doorframe and then they scurried into the room one by one. Three vampires stood at attention, seemingly from oldest to youngest.

One was tall with almost blue skin. He was broad and strong looking, with his muscles rippling underneath his tight-leather outfit. He had long black hair and eyes of raven. His chest was exposed, which I tried not to look to hard at. Instead I took in his many weapons strapped to his body. He must have been some kind of hunter.

"This is Makya." Cassyan said, "My cousin. He's pretty handy if you have a bear that needs killing and would probably stand a fair chance at your proposal ceremony, Ma'am."

Beta looked at him in awe, "The laws around vampire and werewolf relationships may be... Unfortuante in this case..."

Cassyan grinned with sharp teeth, "Say hello, Makya."

Makya nodded curtly, which probably constituted as a 'hello' in some cultures.

Cassyan turned his attention to the next vampire, "This is Ambrozia- my sister. All the wonderful food you've been eating here was masterfully crafted under her command. She is an artist for the tongue."

Ambrozia didn't need to be told to introduce herself. She marched over to me, giving both hands to shake, "Welcome home, my lady! It is an honour to meet you!"

She looked very similar to Cassyan, except with a slightly more rounded appearance. I wondered briefly if they were twins. Her hair was tied in a sensible bun and she wore an apron over her plain, but still fine, clothes.

I smiled, "Your... Spicy roll things are good."

She beamed, becoming the first vampire I had ever met that reminded me of the sun, "Vansius never tells me my food is good! You've brought kindness back to the family!"

That statement struck me and I didn't know why. Did she think that I was going to choose to stay? I sympathized for her, living under Vansius of all people, but I wouldn't remain his wife just to make their situation better. Right?

Cassyan pulled his sister away and showed me the third vampire. He looked about ten years old, with dark brown hair and red splotches across his face that reminded me of when Cassyan got caught in the sun. It seemed the boy may have left the castle when he wasn't supposed to. His face was unexpectedly solemn for a child his age and a trail of blood ran down his chin.

I worried for a moment that he had been hurt, but then reasoned that he had probably just been feeding. I hadn't been raised with vampires, but even I knew that it was bad manners for a vampire not to clean their face after drinking blood.

"This is my other cousin, Ozkyl. We call him Oz." Cassyan pushed the boy forward, "Go introduce yourself, Ozzy. They won't bite... Well, I can't guarentee that the big one won't bite, but don't let that stop you."

Ozkyl stepped away from Cassyan, looking annoyed. He smeared the blood on his chin in a vain attempt to wipe it off with his sleeve, "If you marry my uncle, you're stupid." He said bluntly.

Ambrozia gasped and pulled him away, giving him a lecture under her breath while she properly cleaned his face.

Beta cleared her throat, "So, is this your entire family?" She asked, "I expected there to be more of you."

Cassyan shrugged, "Unlike wolves, we don't have litters of six to ten. We do have other siblings, and there's our parents of course, but they find it hard to come visit right now."

"Why?" Beta said, "Too busy working under Vansius?"

Cassyan laughed, "Oh, no. No, they can't come visit because he killed them all."

And you thought YOUR family was dysfunctional. Vansius just keeps getting more and more likeable with each passing chapter, doesn't he?

Today's question: Who is your favorite of Cassyan's family members? (Including Cassyan, Vansius, and I guess Bloodmoon, if you want.) I think mine is Ozkyl of the three new vamps.

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