The Vampire's Prisoner

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A dark dungeon. Chained to a cold, stone floor and forced to sleep in wet straw that was covered in dirt and excrement. Fingers and toes became so numb until they just fell off. Screams for help that were only met with a guard's emotionless laughter.

That's what I expected. I did not, however, expect to be kept in a lavish bedroom, furnished in ebony and ivory with a plush crimson carpet and heavy drapes over the windows that refused to let any light through. I sat on a huge, four-poster bed that was much softer than the ones the werewolves used in their camps.

It was... Nicer than the house I was going to share with Alpha Damon.

Remembering my hopefully future mate, I was snapped into reality and glared at my captor. Cassyan was rummaging through a cupboard on one wall, pulling out some medical supplies, "Poor thing. These look like wolf bites. Is this how your 'pack' has been treating you?"

I growled, "My pack cares for me. Not that you'd understand that."

"Living together like a bunch of lost orphans. It's unsanitary, isn't it? Living in each other's filth?"

Was this vampire really ignorant of werewolf culture, or was he trying to get to me?

"We are very clean. The Omegas take pride in keeping the pack's living space perfectly clean."

"Don't make up words, it's unappealing." Cassyan made his way to the bedside, with bandages and disinfectant, "Now, come on, let me- are you LICKING your WOUNDS?"

I looked up, with my tongue still exposed, "You gonna stop judging me for just a second?"

"But that's so unhealthy???" Cassyan seemed visibly worried, "What about bloodlust?"


His paper white skin became three shades paler, "How have you survived so long with those dog people?"

He bent forward, reaching towards my wounds. I snarled. It was shameful to have a non-pack member provide aid. I wouldn't accept a thing from this bat corpse.

"I, uh, I will leave these here." He placed the supplies beside me, "No need to make unpleasant sounds."

I took the bandages, not taking my eyes off of him, "What do you want with me? Why would you care about a hybrid?"

Cassyan shrugged, "Politics, I guess. Let's just say that Lord Vansius was promised something years ago and now seeks the things he was robbed of."

"That gives me more questions than answers."

"Well, I'm not told much about it. I was a child when it happened and I was too busy learning to fly to worry about who's betrothed to who."


"That means they're engaged to be married. Do werewolves have marriage or is it more of an open-relationship type deal?"

"We have marriage!" I barked, "In fact, I was about to be married when you took me, you vile bat!"

He chuckled, "Oh, well I guess we were just in time then. You see, Lord Vansius intends to marry you. He is your rightfully betrothed."

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There once was a vampire

She was a noble, born into wealth and power. Since the day she was born, she was betrothed to another wealthy family's son. She rarely saw him, but she honorably agreed to carry her family's honor and marry him when the time came.

However, one night something happened that made her convictions waver.

She was in a human city, stalking fresh blood as her kind was bound by their flesh to do. Usually, they could survive off of the blood of an animal, but there were times when the hunger could only be satiated by human flesh. On a night like this, she was waiting in the shadows for a meal.

A man, surrounded by a group of friends walked past her hiding spot. He made her very hungry. Even though he was in a group, she decided that he would be her dinner that night.

She approached him and asked if he would spend some time alone with her. The art of seduction was hardwired into a vampire and it was easy to get him to say yes.

She took him away into a shadowy corner and prepared to feast, when he turned on her, pinning her against the wall with inhuman strength.

He wasn't a human at all. Rather, he was a part of a werewolf pack that had heard of vampires troubling the city's residents and was putting a stop to it.

She decided not to fight, and instead explained her situation. Without human blood, her bloodlust would consume her, driving her to kill everything in sight until she was fed. She had no choice but to go after humans.

The werewolf then took off his shirt, confusing her for a second until he suggested that she take his blood instead. A werewolf is stronger than a human and heals faster, making it unlikely that he would die, and werewolves were immune to vampire bites, so there was no chance of him becoming a vampire.

The vampire woman was overwhelmed. She had no idea that werewolves had empathy and compassion. She accepted his offer, drinking his blood and stopping as soon as she was full, not taking a drop extra. She then bandaged him and thanked him for helping her rather than killing her.

He smiled and said that he had been surprised at her plight, since he had been taught that vampires kill for fun. He asked her to meet him there again the next night.

She agreed.

They met up every night after that, soon buying an apartment in the human city and moving away from their families. They were self-isolated outcasts, but they were happy.

They got married and soon, had a baby.

For a moment, their world was perfect.

But the vampire woman's betrothed followed her, tracking her down and finding her married and with a hybrid child. Enraged, he had her killed and sent the werewolf back to his pack to have the same done to him.

In his rage, he took the baby and resolved to kill it, but the Alpha of the wolf pack had pity for the hybrid and took it back to the forest to be raised as the pack's Omega.

Despite justice having been served, the Vampire Lord felt unfulfilled. It was the first time that something had been stolen from him. He had been promised a bride of that bloodline, but now the only woman of that families blood was...

The hybrid.

Lord Vansius would not be denied anything. He always got his way.

Backstory time! To summarize: Vansius is an entitled jerk.

Question: Would you rather live in a castle, or in a forest camp?

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