Hunter's Rival

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"I will win the Alpha's heart from you, as is my right!"

I stared in shock at Becka, the challenger and glanced up at Damon, "C... Can she do that?"

He flattened his ears, "...Yeah."

He pushed me towards the path that led down towards the crowd below, "Go fight her. It's what you have to do."

"But I..." I tucked my tail between my legs and tiptoed down the path, "I don't want to fight-"

"Omega Bloodmoon shall face Hunter Becka in combat. The winner shall become my mate." Damon howled, "Unless... The ancestors have an objection?"

I looked pleadingly up to the starry wolves, but they didn't seem to feel like commenting. I grit my teeth and reached the ground, approaching my rival.

Becka wasn't a very large wolf, she was thin and lithe. Her legs and chest were covered in strong muscles and her teeth were sharp and gleaming. It looked like she wanted to sink them into me.

"Look into my eyes, Omega." She growled, "They're gonna be the last thing you see."

I gulped and averted my gaze. I caught Beta's eye and she gave me a reassuring yip,

"Rip her guts out!" Beta shouted encouragingly.

"Uh, I..." I raised my shaking head, "I'm going to make you into a shiny, green rug."

Becka bared her teeth and got into an attack position. I copied her, albeit a little less confidently.

We spent a few seconds, staring each other down, each waiting for the other to make a move. Finally, I decided I needed to get at least one hit on her and leaped to attack.

I sprang for her shoulder, but she dodged and whipped around, grabbing my exposed back with her teeth. I felt her fangs digging into my flesh, tearing through my thin layer of fur.

I twisted in her grasp, slipping out between her teeth and rolling onto my back. I kicked my feet into the air, clawing at her exposed neck and belly.

She pulled away instinctively, but instantly jumped back into action, pouncing on my stomach and pushing the air out of my lungs.

I kicked and wriggled, struggling to get out from under the heavier wolf. She bit down on my neck, keeping me pinned, but not biting hard enough to kill me.

I laid limp, as if I was surrendering and I felt her loosen her grip and relax, which is when I shoved upward with all of my strength, pushing her off of me and rolling to my feet.

We both backed away and surveyed the other, readying for round two. She was a bit ruffled, but not injured and I had a nasty bite on my upper back that was bleeding. I was losing.

"Is that all you've got, Omega?" Becka taunted, laughing at the sight of my blood.

I steadied myself, "Of course not. I've also got your dream guy."

Her eyes went red and she jumped at me. I was able to dodge and bite at her, but I only got a hold of her tail. Becka howled in pain and bit my ear, shoving me to the cold earth.

I struggled and tore away from her grasp, biting at anything I saw. I managed to snag some fur in my teeth, but I didn't taste blood.

"I've had enough of this!" Becka headbutted my chest and sent me reeling backwards.

I nipped at her, biting her nose and finally drawing blood. She shrieked and slammed her paw into my face, knocking me to the ground.

I lay stunned on the stone earth as Becka paced around me, "Go on, Omega. Give up. You know you can't beat me, so why kill yourself trying?"

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