Those Bright Eyes

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You looked at a young boy who walked past you in the hallways with a confused look; "Who is he....?" You thought to yourself as you continued down the hall. Today was your first day of school after a long holiday break, your mind kept on drifting back to the boy, he had white hair and a strange curl on the top of his head. You had never seen him before... You thought you had seen everyone at this school. The private school you attended was rather small and there where very few students who went there. You shook off your thought of the boy and continued to head to your first period class.

Class was boring as usual, the teacher blabbed on about protons and atoms until the bell rang. You gathered your things and headed towards the next class. As you walked to your second period class you noticed a flash of white out of the corner of your eyes, sure enough, it was that boy again. You quickened your pace to match his and stole a better glance at him, he was wearing a strange tunic shirt which resembled an instrument.

"Did you want something?" A quiet voice interrupted your thoughts you noticed annoyance in his tone. "H-He noticed me staring at him! W-What should I do?!" You looked at him nervously and blushed. His bright eyes looked at you, you noted that one was green and the other blue. "S-Sorry... I didn't mean to stare... It's just... I haven't seen you before and I wondered if you were new here and-" before you could finish, he had replied "I am new here.. Please don't stare at me again.. It makes me uncomfortable." You awkwardly nodded and apologized again. "..My name is Utatane Piko..." He said as he started to walk away. You followed him "U-Um, my name is (Y/N L/N).. Nice to meet you Piko-kun... If you don't mind me asking... What is your next class?" You said trying to strike up more of a conversation with Piko. "My next class is computer tech." He said with a calm voice. "Ah, me too!" You said happily.

As you walked with him to Computer Tech all you could think about were those bright eyes.

Utatane Piko X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now