Unable to help (Normal P.O.V)

966 39 7

You pulled out your phone to write out a small text to Piko asking how he was doing, and then waited for the reply, sketching a small cat on the cover of your notebook, it didn't look that good though because you could barely see. Your phone soon lit up. A reply.

"haha.. Thank you for worrying about me (Y/N), I'm fine I guess. How are you?"

He guesses?
You quickly typed back a reply, asking what he meant by guess and saying that you were perfectly fine and not to worry. The phone lit up again, illuminating your desk-space.

"I'm... scared of the dark."

"He's scared of the dark?" You murmured quietly to yourself. I hope he's not in too bad of shape, it is kinda dark in these classrooms and his phone can't be helping too much... You thought before replying. Your reply was along the lines of a simple "are you sure you're okay then?"

You cursed at yourself for not being good at cheering up others, it was a flaw of yours, in your opinion of course. It was almost as if you just couldn't express how you were feeling at moments like these... You wanted to be there for Piko and make him feel better, but... You just can't do that much with a cellular device..

After that Piko didn't reply for what seemed like awhile, he texted that his battery was about to die and that he'd talk when this was over.

You couldn't help but feel as though there was no way to cheer him up.

I hope I'm just worrying too much... He's probably just a little spooked and... I'm blowing this out of portion...

Utatane Piko X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now