Well, that was unexpected (Normal POV)

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The storm, even though finally letting up, was still out there. The teachers finally announced that because of the power outage and the fact that the storm would soon get worse, that parents were being notified and busses would soon be here to pick up the students who didn't have a ride home.
You sighed. The bus would probably be pretty empty... But it would probably be sorta scary. The busses weren't in the best condition.
Piko had sent a short text saying that he was fine and glad that they would be able to go home soon, but that his phone's battery was critically low so he wouldn't be able to talk much until he got back to his house.
You smiled at the mere idea that Piko was doing well, you hated the fact that he had to be in the dark, basically alone.

One by one students left the classroom as parents came by to pick them up. You peered out the window and checked the weather's condition. It had seemed to fluctuate. Right as it seemed to calm, the rain began to pour down even harder than before. The ride home is gonna be fun.. You thought with a glum expression. As much as you may of enjoyed the rain, it was still a nuisance to be in.

You heard on knock on the classroom door, you turned expecting to see another parent or and office worker...

But instead you saw.. Piko?

The teacher allowed him to enter the room, and spoke with Piko quietly. "Ah yes.. I see. Usually we'd have to check but.. In these circumstances, I suppose it'll be fine." The teacher said nodding a little. "(Y/N)! You know him right?"
"Um- yes! I do-" You ended up half stuttering, being confused as to what was going on.

"Well, Piko.. was it? Well anyways, he said that since you two live in the same neighborhood, he could let you ride home with him. Would that be okay?" The teacher said, as if questioning whether what Piko had said was genuine or not.

Well- that was unexpected.

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