Chapter 2

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Once Mad Dog got back, practice began. As usual it was just the casual practice game full of serves and passes. Nothing that interested you whatsoever. Though you had to admit, they were a pretty good team, especially Oikawa. You could understand why he had so many fangirls, but not so much that you would become on yourself. He was good, but not that good.
(I don't hate Oikawa btw, please don't kill me)
You continued to watch the practice match, all seemed to be mo different, that is until Mad Dog was up to serve. He took a running start, leaped up into the air, and smacked the ball as hard as humanly possible over the net. The loudness of the ball slamming onto the hard ground made your eye widen in shock.

"Holy shit..." You breath. So that's what Oikawa was talking about earlier, turns out it was worth the wait. That had to have hurt his hand! And yet, Mad Dog just shook it off and continued to play casually. Was he showing off or was he just not aware of how cool he was right now? As the game played on, you grew slightly more interested in the match. And before you knew it, it was over. You didn't even notice that it had gotten dark, or how many hours had passed. Your mother was most likely home by now and probably wondering where you were. You grabbed your bag and tan over to Oikawa and Iwaizumi, catching them before they could go where you couldn't, the men's dressing room. "So uh. That was really cool. Way cooler than I thought it would be." You admit. "I told you so." Oikawa smirks. "So, have you made up your mind about being our manager?" He asks.

"Not quite. But watching you guys actually help me one step closer to making a decision. By the way, that Mad Dog guy, what's his deal? Why is he so...intense?" You asked. "Who knows. He's always been like that." Says Iwaizumi. "He never listens to anyone, except for me really." Oikawa says something about how that's bs under his breath. "Why is that? If it's cause you're his upperclassmen than why doesn't he listen to Oikawa as well?"

"He challenged me to a bunch of stupid games, and I won them all so yeah, he kinda just, listens to me." It still didn't make much sense, it might if you could actually talk to Mad Dog, but there is no way you're gonna risk a beating from the dude. You weren't entirely sure if he would actually do that to a girl, but still...

"Huh ok. Well, I'm gonna get going. Thanks for letting me watch you guys practice." You wave the two boys off as you walked. "See you later L/n-Chan." Oikawa waves.

You made it home not too long after that, and stopped by the nearest convenience store and brought yourself your favorite snack/drink with the money your mother lent you. See, you knew you would make use of that money. "I'm home." You say as you remove your shoes at the front door before walking in. "Welcome back, I made your favorite." Your mother called from the kitchen. "And where have you been?" You made your way into the he kitchen, readying yourself for the lecture you were about to receive. "Why didn't you call me? We're you somewhere you weren't suppose to be?" Your mother eyes you, her stern voice sharp. "No mom. I was at school, a friend of mine wanted me to stay and watch them practice volleyball." You sit down the table. "I didn't think to call you cause I was distracted. Otherwise I would have."

"Distracted? Distracted with what?" She asks as she places a plate down before you. "My friend wanted me to be the manager of their team. But I don't even like volleyball all that much, so yeah, having a hard time deciding. Today was pretty different though, there was this one guy who was so cool! It's like, all of his intensity goes into playing, like it's an outlet or something. Whatever it is, it sure did change my perspective a bit." When you finished explaining you noticed your mother was, giving you one of those looks. Damn. One of those looks. The look she gives you when she thinks you've found a boy to swoon over. But that was not the case here. That boy could rip you into shreds. That's nothing to swoon over! That's something to consider doing a background check, just to make sure he doesn't have a criminal past!

Well, maybe that's going a bit too far. But what else could you think other than "I better not piss this guy off or I can kiss my sorry ass goodbye".

"It's not like that mom." You groan. "Far from it." Your mother was clearly not believing it, choosing to ignore her, you confused to eat. Afterwards you thank your mother for the meal and got ready for bed.

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