Chapter 10

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Third Person P.O.V.

Y/n tossed in the bed, her arm flopping down onto the mattress, her hand moved around looking for something. When she couldn't find it, her drowsy eyes opened, when she didn't see Kyotani next to her, she panicked a little. She sat up and scanned the room, something shifted over legs, making her gasp. She looked down to see Killer, looking up at her. He barked and walked closer to lick her hand. Y/n smiled and gave him a few good pats on the head before removing the covers and standing out of the bed. She strides over to the bedroom door, Killer trailing after her. She opened it and walked through the hall and down the stair case. 

The house seemed to be totally empty. No one was home, not even Kyotani. With a sigh Y/n pulled out her phone and dialed in her mother's phone number, ready to tell her she would be home soon. Just as she went to press 'call', the front door opened, making her jump in shock. She relaxed upon seeing Kyotani's tall figure enter. His yellow eyes landed on her. "Oh hey. Sorry, I meant to get here before you woke up. Were you worried?" He asks as he set the plastic bag he was carrying down on the coffee table. Y/n would have said yes, but she made him worry about her enough, so she shook her head no. 

Kyotani made his way over to her and gently took hold of her hand, he lead her to the couch and sat her down. "I was going to make breakfast but, I was still tired from this morning. So I just ordered from somewhere, is that ok?" Y/n nods again, fiddling with her hands. "...Y/n? Is there something wrong?" He asks. "N-no." Y/n says in a hushed tone. Kyotani kneeled down to her height, his eyes never leaving her own as he spoke. " Are you nervous?" 

Y/n's cheeks heat up slightly at his tone. Again, she nods. "About what?" Kyotani asks. Y/n took a moment to think before speaking. "Everything? Yesterday...staying over...being" She listed off. "Me?" Kyotani tilts his head. "I'm...should I go?" 

"No! It's not you, it's just...I don't know how to say it. Besides this your house. If anything I should go." Y/n folds her hands together tightly. "Do you want to go?" Kyotani asks, a hint of suddenness in his voice. "I don't know..." Y/n sighs. Her breath hitches when Kyotani's fingers slightly brushed against her hand before holding them with his own. "Y/n, talk to me. Whatever is bothering you, I want to know how to fix it. I want to help you. Please." He begs. 

Y/n began to tear up, her voice whimpering as she asked. "What if you don't like it?" It. What she meant was me.  But she didn't have it in her to actually say it. "Even still, I want to make you feel better, anyway I can." Kyotani says, gently firming his grasp on her hand, letting her know, he means every word. "Promise?" She asked, holding back a sniffle. 

"I promise." Kyotani nods. 

Y/n took a deep breath. This was it. She was going to do it. She had to, no, she needed to do this. "Recently, I've been getting some new...feelings. Towards you." She began, Kyotani waited for her to continue. "At first, I thought of you as a really nice friend. You were kind to me, you listened to me, you were always there for me. And little by little, my heart would always light up and beat faster whenever I saw you. Or whenever I thought of you." Y/n felt his grip on her hand tighten, she ignored it as she spoke. "And after what you did for me yesterday, when you saved me from those guys..." She trailed off. "Y/n, you don't have to." Kyotani says softly. 

"No it's fine. I think it was then I really started to truly appreciate the type of person you were. You let me stay here with you, you made sure I wasn't alone. The way you held me, I felt so safe with you Kyotani. You make me feel safe. I always want to feel like that.  I never want to loose that feeling, so saying this is so unbearably hard. Because if I tell you, just how much you mean to me, I could loose that feeling. But more importantly, I could loose you too."

"Y/n..." Kyotani murmured. "Kyotani." Y/n interlocked her hand with his. "I love you."

The two teens world came to a stop. Y/n finally said what she needed to, and it was everything Kyotani wanted to hear. His heart was thumping so fast he thought it would explode out of his chest. He was so overwhelmingly happy and yet so afraid. Afraid because, he never wanted Y/n to be hurt. By anyone, let alone himself. It had already happened, her getting hurt by someone. It left a dull ache in his chest, one he couldn't ignore. Another ache, telling him that this was right, this was what he wanted, she was what he wanted. He wanted to keep her safe, to keep her happy, to make sure she knew that she was loved. 

But at the same time, he was terrified of the feeling. What if he couldn't make good on that? What if he does end up hurting her? What if he can't make her happy or feel loved? What then? He couldn't live with himself if that were to happen.

And yet, he would not let the feeling go. He held onto this hope that somehow, everything would be ok. That things would finally work out they way he wanted them to. He wanted so desperatly to love Y/n just as much, if not more, than she loved him. And he did. He did love her, he loved her with everything he had. He just wished he could find the right words. It was a simple three letter word, and he just couldn't let himself say it. 

So...without a second thought, Kyotani pulled Y/n in and pressed his lips onto her soft ones. Y/n's eyes widened, her heart also thumping loudly. Slowly, she eased into the kiss, and gave into Kyotani. The two stayed like that, until they pulled away for air. Their eyes stayed locked to each others as they lightly pant from the brief lack of oxygen. That was it. Kyotani knew now, that he wanted her, he wanted all of her to himself. He wanted nothing more than t give all his love to her. His chest, once filled with fear, now filled with love and warmth. 

 Kyotani smiled softly and kissed her forehead softly. "I love you too." Y/n smile grew bright, she giggled with glee before throwing herself onto Kyotani. The two fell back and hit the floor, laughing while doing so. Y/n littered Kyotani's face with kissed, while telling him how much she loves him with every peck. 

"I love you so much Kyotani!" Y/n says before kissing his lips once again. Kyotani chuckled before pulling away. "You know we're dating now, you can call me Kentaro." He tells her. Y/n smiled softly and kissed his cheek. "I love you so much, Kentaro." 

"I love you so much too, Y/n." He sits up, bringing her with him. "Now, how about that breakfast?"

First Person P.O.V

After eating, Kyotani offered to walk me home. On the way, I couldn't stop thinking about school. I didn't finish yesterday, and I'm skipping today. I could end up in trouble for this. But another thing that worried me more was, what would happened if I did go back? Would Chiharu just be waiting for me? I held onto Kentaro's hand tightly, he looked down at me. "Y/n?" He speaks in a soothing tone. "What am I going to do?" I asked him. "About what?" 

"I don't want to go back to school. What if Chiharu does what she did again?" Kentaro gave my hand a firm but loving squeeze. "She won't get the chance. Don't worry about it, I'll have it taken care of." He tells me. What did that mean? He wasn't actually thinking about doing what I think he was, could he? "Fighting her will only get you into trouble. Speaking of, did anyone see...what happened yesterday?" Kentaro shakes his head. "I'm not going to fight her. And no, no one saw. But I wouldn't be surprised if those little punk asses snitched on me." 

"That's not right." I sighed. "You were only preventing something terrible from happening. They're the ones who should get in trouble." I thought for a second. "Maybe we should just go today. Tell the principle what really happened, before you get suspended." It would happen to, Kentaro had his fair share of fights in high school. He was on thin ice, and it would only get worse if he is wrongly accused. "Are you sure you want to do that? I thought you didn't want to talk about it." 

"I don't." I shake my head. This isn't about me right now. What happened to me was horrible beyond all belief but, I can't let Kentaro take the blame for this. Those punks were going to get what's coming to them. "But we have to clear your name. And I'm sure the team is confused." Kentaro wrapped his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him. "I'll be right there with you." I smile warmly, I sure was a lucky one. How did I ever land someone like him? 

"Thanks Kentaro."

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