Chapter 5

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Your P.O.V

I wasn't really feeling class today, well at least one of them, and the worst on in my opinion. So I decided to hide out in the gym, none of the team would be there this early in the day so it was perfect. I walked into the gym, not expecting to see Kyotani, he was practicing alone. "W-what are you doing here?" I curse myself for shuttering like I did. Kyotani turned to me, the same angry expression on his face. "Didn't feel like going to class." He tells me before going back to what he was doing. "Oh, guess the same goes for me." I say as I stepped into the gym and closing the door. "Do you want me to pass you a few?" I might as well do something while I hide from class. "Sure." Kyotani tossed me the volleyball, much lighter than he normally would. I was sure it would knock the wind out of me as well as break a rib if he threw it at his normal speed.

I try my best to remember how to properly serve a volleyball, but while doing so I mess up, and the ball went lopsided and way off track. Kyotani chuckled before picking up the ball. "Sorry..." I rub the back of my neck. 'His laugh is cute...' I think, feeling my cheeks turn red. "I never even touched a volleyball until recently. Maybe you can show me how it's done? But like, not the whole slapping the air out of the ball." I giggle. "Right. It's pretty easy once you get the hang of it." Kyotani holds the ball up. "Watch carefully." He tosses the ball up and hits it over the net as soon as it was in line with his hand. After a few more tries, I finally got it down. "Whoa! I actually did it!" Why did I get so hyped about that? It's just a ball and a net. But, it felt strangely rewarding. I turned to Kyotani, who's harden expression lightened a bit. I suddenly felt the awkwardness close in. "So uh, why did you skip class?" I asked. Kyotani shrugged. "Just didn't feel like going. What about you?"

"I didn't like the class I had. It was really boring." I tell him. Kyotani hummed in response. God I hate this, don't kill the conversation you idiot! Say something, anything! "Do you have a dog? I remember you said you liked them?" I question. "Shiba. His name is Killer." Well, I was wrong about the intimidating dog part, by the name makes up for it. "I wish I had a dog. My mom doesn't really allow dogs in our house, she says they make things messy." Kyotani looked less than pleased by that, I couldn't blame him. Dogs did make things messy sometimes but everything else about them made up for it. " can come over to my place, to see my dog that is...If you want." Kyotani murmurs. I could have sworn I saw a tiny blush on his face. My heart did a flip. "O-ok! That sounds nice." I smile. The sound of the bell interrupted the nice moment we were having. With a sigh I grab my bag. "I should get going. I have class with Iwaizumi next." Kyotani nods. "I wouldn't make him angry if I were you." He says. "Right? He'll have my head if he finds out I'm skipping." I laugh. "Well, uh-"

"I'll come get you after class." Kyotani cuts me off. I smile softly and nod. "Ok, I'll be waiting." With that, I left the gym. The entire walk to class I couldn't stop thinking about Kyotani. My heart just wouldn't stop thumping. "I can't believe I have a crush on him."

"Have a crush on who L/n-Chan~?"

"Ah! Shittykawa don't sneak up on me like that!" I snap. "And I don't have a crush on anyone, dummy." I mutter. "That's a lie! Come on, tell me! Tell me, tell me, tell meeeee!"

"No! Shut up!"

"Oh wait! L/n-Chan~.Could it be you have feelings for me after all?" Oikawa smirks.

"Not if your life depended on it." I growl. "Now leave me alone or I'll have Iwaizumi beat your ass." I walked into class. "Keep lying to yourself L/n-Chan. You can't hide from your true feelings!"


"No wait, I take it back! I take it back!!"

You waited by the school gates for Kyotani, still your heart was beating wildly at the thought of walking with him to his home. While it was a nice feeling, the feeling of liking someone, it was also scary. You weren't sure if this was such a good idea deep down, sure you've had crushes when you were a kid, but never on this level. What if he didn't feel the same? You would end up getting your hopes up just for your heart to be broken. What was it about Kyotani that made you want to chase this feeling? You've only known him for a little while, and yet you've fallen for him. "I guess I'll find out." You say aloud. "Find out what?" You turn to see Kyotani, his school bag slung over his shoulder. "Uh, find out how I'm going to convince my mom to let me get a dog." You lie. He seemed to have bought it, as he didn't press you further. Oikawa could learn a lot from him. "You ready?" He asks. "Yep." You smile walking beside him. Once again, the walk was silent. You didn't know what to say, your mind was swarming with different thoughts, you couldn't focus on just one. You stole a few glances from Kyotani, handsome as always. And like always, you couldn't tell what was on his mind. It was like he was annoyed by everything all the time, why was he always so on edge? So angry?

"You know." You started. "The first time I saw you, I thought you were going to murder me." Kyotani glances at you curiously. "You looked so furious that I bumped into you, growled? What was up with that?" You asked. "...I do that sometimes...a bad habit." He says under his breath. "Oh. Well, I guess it fits your nickname. Mad Dog." Kyotani nods. "Yeah. Guess so." You look up and notice the way you two were walking. "Hey, I live by here." You say. "Just a few houses down."

"Oh yeah? I live just down the street from there. Guess we lived close to each other this whole time." Kyotani shrugs. "I wonder why I never saw you."

"Yeah same."

Fuck this was awkward.

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