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Third Person P.O.V

Y/n and Kyotani waited until school was over and clubs were just getting started. They snuck onto school grounds and hurried straight to the gym. Before they went in, Kyotani turned to Y/n. "Are you absolutely sure you want to do this? We can wait until you're ready." Y/n nods her head. "Yeah, I'm sure. But, I only want Iwaizumi and Oikawa to know, for now at least." She tells him as she turns to the gym doors. Kyotani takes hold of her still shaking hand before opening the door. Immediately, all eyes were on them. "Where have you two been!?" Oikawa points at them. "You haven't shown up for two days, and now you just decide to show up this late!? What the heck!?" Even though Oikawa seemed furious with the two, deep down he was worried for his teammate and manager. 

"I'd like to know that myself. I believe Kyotani owes me an explanation." Iwaizumi crossed his arms. "This team can't function without you both here, so what's the deal with you skipping?" He asked. "Yeah yeah, cool your jets." Kyotani rolls his eyes. "We'll tell you, in private." Oikawa and Iwaizumi glanced at each other before following the two outside. "Keep practicing, we'll be right back!" Oikawa tell the team. 

Once outside, Iwaizumi shut the gym doors, making sure no one inside would hear them. "Alright. Out with it." He tells them. Kyotani looks at Y/n, she rubs her arm awkwardly before nodding. "Ok so, here's the thing..." Kyotani went on to explain the events that took place over the last two days. When he got to the part that involved Chiharu and the third years she was with, Iwaizumi and Oikawa were beyond furious. Beyond livid. They had that kind of look a murder would have, right before claiming another victim. 

"What the hell..." Oikawa had his fists so tightly clenched, his nails nearly pierced his palms. Iwaizumi looked as if he were about to explode with rage. "And where are those little shits at now?" He asked. "I'm sure they're still around, along with the bitch who hired them." Said Kyotani. Oikawa and Iwaizumi couldn't believe what they had just been told. Y/n, their dearest friend, was beat, drugged, and then almost..."Then let's go find them!" Oikawa said as he stomped past the two. "If they think they're going to get away with this, they're dead wrong!" Before he could get much further, Iwaizumi grabbed his arm to stop him. "Wait a minute. I'm just as mad as you are but we can't go picking fights. That will only make the situation worse." Oikawa jerked his arm away.

"But what they've done! They can't just-" Iwaizumi cut them off. "We will deal with this, in a more mature way. Kyotani had already given them a beating, and now he faces suspension. If you get suspended, imagine how that would look on your reputation. You're a captain and an excellent student, you need to set an example to not only your team, but the people around you as well." Oikawa couldn't argue with that. Everything Iwaizumi said was true, and it was infuriating. "Then what should we do?" 

"Simple. We report them to the principle, that way, we can get them out of the picture and clear Kyotani's name as well." Iwaizumi turns to Y/n and Kyotani. "Are you ok with that?" He asks. The two nods. "I'm sorry for burdening you with my problems. I just don't want Kentaro to take the fall for this. He was just trying to help." Y/n sniffled, avoiding the boy's eyes. Iwaizumi placed his hand on top of her head gently. Y/n looked up at him, he was smiling. "Y/n, you're our friend. And friends help each other out during tough times. You're not burdening us with anything." He softly pats the top of her head. "Don't worry, we're going to make this right." 

"Yeah." Oikawa spoke up. "No body messes with my friends and gets away with it." He said determinedly. "And you know, no one is going to lay a hand on you without getting their asses handed to them." Added Kyotani. "Trust us Y/n, we won't abandon you. Not now, not ever."  Iwaizumi finished. 

Y/n felt tears run down her face, but she smiled grateful that her friends, and loved one, would be there for her. "You guys..." She wiped a few tears away. "Thank you so much." After calming down, the group made their way inside the school, and to the principle's office. 

"And you are telling the full truth? Because reporting something as substantial as this, is not to be joked about." A woman in a light blue suit asked. Her hands were folded together on her dark wood desk. There was a stack of papers to the left on the desk, on the right, a golden statue of the school's mascot animal with some sort of writing at the bottom. "Yes Mrs. Matsumoto. We wouldn't lie about this." Iwaizumi was the one that decided to speak, he knew Oikawa and Kyotani would probably get themselves in trouble if they were the ones speaking. The principle hums before switching her gaze to Y/n. "L/n, I'd like for you to speak to me in private. You too, Kyotani." Iwaizumi and Oikawa excuse themselves and wait for the two outside of the office.

"How can she not believe us?" Oikawa says in a hushed town. "We wouldn't lie about something like that!" Iwaizumi leans on the wall behind him. "No one says she doesn't believe us, she probably wants to hear it from Y/n and Kyotani though, since this entire situation involves them." Oikawa crosses his arms. "Still!"

Inside the principle's office, Y/n was asked to explain the situation again. It was hard to talk about, but this wouldn't et resolved if nothing was done about it. "I see. I was told by Fukumoto that Kyotani had attacked him and his two friends out of nowhere. He didn't not tell me he did something like that." The principle crossed her arms and sat up straight. "It's a good thing your friend here told the truth, otherwise you would face suspension." She says, looking at Kyotani. "But don't think you'll be let off so easily. While what you did was admirable, I can not allow fighting of any kind in this school. So, you'll be staying after school this Saturday cleaning the gym as punishment." Kyotani nods his head. "Yes ma'am."

"Now." The principle stand up from her desk. "I have some business to attend to, involving those third years and Kumiko. L/n if anything remotely similar happens to you or anyone you know, I suggest you report to me immediately. I offer my sincerest of apologies." She bows her head. "O-Oh it's ok...And I will." Y/n stutters. "Then you're both excused." Y/n and Kyotani walked out of the office. A wave of relief washed over Y/n as she entered the hallway. "So, what did she say?" Asked Oikawa. 

"She's going to take care of that bitch and her lackeys." Kyotani smirked. "Yes! See what did I tell you? Everything would turn out just fine." Oikawa grins. "Y/n, how are you feeling?" Asked Iwaizumi. Y/n smiled softly. "I'm feeling great. Thanks again you three." 

"Anything for a friend." Iwaizumi returns the smile. "I say we should all celebrate! How about this weakened?" Asked Oikawa. "Can't. I'm cleaning the gyms this Saturday as punishment." Said Kyotani. Y/n pats his shoulder. "I'll help you. After all, it's the least I can do after putting up with me so much." A small smile found it's way onto Kyotani's face. "Thanks." 

Iwaizumi and Oikawa looked at each other before looking back to Y/n and Kyotani. "Wait...are you two...dating?" They ask in unison. "You figure that out just now?" Kyotani raised an eyebrow. "Wha-Buy you-How long!?" Oikawa freaks out. "Uh, since this morning..." Y/n trails off shyly. "Oh my gosh! Good for you Y/n-Chan!!!" Oikawa hugs her tightly. "See! I knew you would find someone eventually! Ah my baby is all grown up!" Y/n, red faced, pinches his cheek roughly. "Shut it!" 

"Hey." Iwaizumi says to Kyotani. "I'm happy for you both and whatever but...if you hurt her...you'll have hell to pay." Kyotani gulps and nods. "Y-yes sir." 

"Iwa-Chan! Stop scaring away my future brother in law!" 

"Shittykawa! I said shut it!" Y/n punches his arm. 

"What it's true!"

"How about you stop embarrassing her." 

 "Oh please, you're just as happy as I am Iwa-Chan! Kyotani make sure you take good care of her ok?"


"I hate you both...." 

"Hey, don't forget about the game on Monday." Iwaizumi reminded Kyotani. "Make sure you get your practice in during the weekend when you can." 

"Oh yeah, it will be my first official game as your manager." Y/n said aloud. "I'll make sure to focus and cheer you guys on the entire time!" She smiles sweetly, causing the three boys to blush. "R-right. Thanks." They all say in unison, making her giggle. She meant it, she had been really slacking lately. So this time, she would bring her heart and soul to the game, making sure to support her friends, and her new boyfriend of course. 

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