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At the end of the day, the whole team decided to go out for a nice dinner to celebrate. And all at the cost of their oh so wonderful captain Oikawa, who was currently regretting that decision. Each person raised their glass to make a toast. "Here's to another victory for Seijoh!" Oikawa starts. "You all worked hard out there today, I say this win was well deserved." The teamed cheered in agreement. "And, I would like to thank Y/n for becoming part of the team." His kind words made her blush. "Don't think I didn't hear you cheering for Mad-Dog out there." He winked. "Speaking of, congrats again on your relationship! Here's to Y/n and Mad-Dog! May they have a wonderful life, and many beautiful children!"

Y/n and Kyotani turned red, silently cursing their captain. "Oi, stop embarrassing them." Iwaizumi elbowed him. Y/n glanced over at Kyotani and smiled softly. As embarrassing as Oikawa's words were, she hoped for the same. That Kyotani and herself would stay together for a very long time, and maybe, even have a kid or two. Not now obviously! But at some point, it would be nice. Kyotani noticed her gaze,  and discreetly held her hand under the table, so the others couldn't see. Y/n rubbed her thumb over his hand gently, as a silent, "I love you too." 

After a night of age appropriate drinking, eating, laughing, and just enjoying each other's company, it was time each team member made their way home. Oikawa, Iwaizumi, Kyotani and Y/n were the last to go. "Be safe on your way back." Iwaizumi tells them. "We will. Thanks again you guys. I had a lot of fun tonight." Y/n says appreciatively. "Anytime Y/n. Don't forget to show up for practice tomorrow you two." Oikawa waves as he walked side by side with Iwaizumi. "Goodnight." Y/n waved before turning to Kyotani.

"You ready?" He asked, reaching for her hand. Y/n nods and takes it with her own, they then walked their way back home. "You were awesome out there Ken." Y/n says as she snuggles into his arm. "Was I?" Kyotani's cheeks heat up. "Yeah, you were intense before, but during that game, you were something completely different. You were...you were just so amazing! I can't wait for the next game." Y/n says happily. Kyotani grinned, he really liked that Y/n was warming up to volleyball. Even gaining the same love he had for it since he was a kid. 

It just made his love for her grow even more. "Y/n?" Y/n looked up at him with a hum. Before she knew what was happening, his lips were on her own. It didn't take her long to relax into the kiss and return it. She sighed breathlessly as she wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. She felt Kyotani's arms snake around her waist, pulling her in closer to him. The two pulled apart, needing air, before locking eyes with each other. 

All that the two could ponder in this very moment was, 'how did I get so lucky?'. Kyotani reached up and moved a stray lock of hair from her face, then gently strokes her cheek. "I love you so much Y/n." He speaks softly. Y/n smiled and leaned into his touch. "I love you too Ken, so very, very much." The two stayed in each other's embrace for a bit longer before continuing on their way, hand in hand. 

It was strange, at first glance, you would wonder why Y/n would want to be with someone like Kyotani. He could come across as just another cruel delinquent, but underneath all that was a misunderstood,  kind, and gentle person that Y/n loved with all her heart. She couldn't have asked for anyone better, and it was the same for Kyotani. He never thought anyone could love him for who he was, and yet, here Y/n was. Willing to love him with everything she had. He would make sure to never forget the kindness she had shown him, and the love that she held only for him.

He would make sure to care for her, and love her like it was his final days. He would never let her slip away so easy. 

And to think, all this started...with a growl...

The End

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