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Your P.O.V

We made it there sooner than we thought, thank god. Kyotani was right, he only lived a short way away from me. "We're here." Kyotani takes out his keys unlocking his door before stepping in. "My mom won't be back until later today." I followed in after him and took a second to admire the interior of the house. It was pretty decent. Not less than a second later, I heard the sound of rapid tapping. It was getting closer and closer. Barking followed my ears as a shiba dog ran up to me. I braced myself invade he would pounce on me, but instead he just stood before me and wagged his tail. He barked again, wanting my attention. "Take it easy Killer." Kyotani pet his head. Killer licked Kyotani's hand a few times and barked again. "This is Killer? But he's so sweet!" I crouched down to his height. Killer sniffed at my hand before licking it. "Don't let that fool you. Killer can be a cold blooded canine." I couldn't tell if he was joking or not, either way, this dog was adorable. "Aw, who's a cute little beast? Huh?" I pet his fluffy cheeks, Killer barks in response as if he were answering me. "Yeah! It's you boy!" I giggle.

Normal P.O.V

Kyotani watches as you continue to fawn over his dog. He had to admit. It was pretty cute...but really he meant you were pretty cute. And it was weird. Not weird that you were pretty cute. Weird because, he's never cared enough to think of someone as pretty or cute. "So uh, since you're here, you wanna like, do something? I invited you over after all." Kyotani puts his hands in his pockets and leaned against the wall. You look up from Killer. "Oh uh, sure." You stand back up and straighten out your skirt. "What did you have in mind?"

"Follow me." Kyotani walks further into the house and up the stairs, you and Killer followed. He lead you to his room, inside, was exactly what you thought it would look like. There were some pink posters here and there, his bed was a little messy, and was that a bass guitar in the corner of his room? "You play bass?" You questioned. "Yeah, occasionally." Kyotani walked over to his desk and played some music, it was a little loud from the last time he played it. He turned it down enough for you both continue talking. Kyotani then went to his bed and flopped down on it, his arms behind his head. Killer jumped on his bed and laid down. "Come on, stop standing there and sit down."

"O-oh right." You walked over to his bed and sat next to him. "Sorry for being so weird. I just, never thought that you would be so opened to me. I really thought you hated me." Kyotani kept his eyes on the ceiling. "I haven't opened up to you. Trust me." He eyed you. "And I didn't hate you, but yeah, this is a little weird. I didn't think I would befriend you this easily. I don't do that often, as you can imagine."

"What about the guys on the team?" You asked. "I tolerate them." Kyotani mutters, his face scrunched up in disgust. You giggled. "So you must really tolerate me to let me into your home, huh?" Kyotani turns his head away from you, he was silent for a moment before letting out a quiet. "Sure." You smile softly and leaned back until you were laying in your back like him. "So I've been wondering. Why do you respect Iwaizumi so much? Other than him just being your senior. He's not even the captain, and yet you listen to him more than Oikawa."

"Iwaizumi...he's cool I guess. He's good at a lot of things, he proved it to me when I challenged him." He answers. "And Oikawa is just stupid."

"Couldn't agree more!" You laugh. Kyotani laughed along with you. You turn your head towards him. "You're pretty cool to, Kyotani." Kyotani clicked his tongue. "Whatever. I should be saying that to you, you're my senior too you know?" You chuckled. "Yeah but, I haven't done anything that special. I hand out towels, and you play a sport. And you play it well too."

Kyotani finally met your gaze, all seriousness present in his eyes. "If we didn't have you, our team would be a hot mess. You're like...the team mom I guess? You keep everything in check, and that's pretty cool." You felt your cheeks turn red. "O-oh. Thanks Kyotani." You stutter. "I mean it. Thanks for being out manager L/n." There it goes again, your heart beat getting louder. It was driving you crazy. Not to mention you both were only a few inches apart, you could really see every detail of Kyotani's face. His intense golden eyes, his flawless tan skin, his perfect jawline. He wasn't just looks either. In this moment, he made you feel really special. When you first met him, you never thought that he could be this nice to someone. It was like everything about him was so...perfect.

"Kyotani..." You say softly, leaning ever so closer to him. You watched him carefully, making sure he was comfortable with what you were doing. It seemed so, as he didn't pull away from you. Just as your lips were about to brush against his own, the door to his room opened. "Kentaro, I thought I told you to take out the trash while I was gone-Oh!" A older woman who resembled Kyotani was standing in the doorway. You and Kyotani both sat up quickly. "My my, is this a new friend of yours?" The woman smirked.

"Ma!" Kyotani yelled. "I told you know before coming into my room!" His face was bright red. "Oh hush. Introduce this young lady." Kyotani rolled his eyes. "She's my senior, L/n Y/n." He mutters. "Nice to meet you young lady." Kyotani's mom smiles. "You call me Kaori."

"N-nice to meet you too." You nod. "I'm so glad my son actually made a friend, and your so pretty too! Proud of ya boy!" Kaori laughs. "I swear to god..." Kyotani murmurs. "How would you like to stay for dinner Y/n?"

"Oh, that sounds nice but, my mother is expecting me to be home tonight. Maybe next time?" Kaori gives you a thumbs up. "Sounds like a plan. Don't forget to invite her over next time Kentaro. And walk her home, it's getting late."

"Yeah yeah. Sure." Kyotani gets up. You followed Kyotani out of his room, his mom silently cheering her son on.

Kyotani had walked you home, which was only a short way from his own home. "I had a good time. Thanks again Kyotani." You give him a soft smile. "Yeah. It was problem. And sorry about my mom she can be really pushy, you don't have to come over again if you don't want to." You shook your head. "No it's fine. I'd like to come over again, uh if that's ok with you of course."

"It's cool with me." Kyotani said with a slight nod. "Sounds like a plan then. Oh here, have this." You hand him your phone. "Go ahead and put in your contact info." Kyotani took a sec to type in his information before handing your phone back to you.

"Thanks, I'll text you later. Goodnight."


You waved before walking into your home. You sighed heavily as you lean back against the door. "Holy shit, I'm in love..."

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