-Sunshine Is A Day Away- pt 2

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" where is it.."

The intruder inside of my dreams said while he scurried around to find the edge of my dream.
He stopped when his hands hit a invisible veil.

" got ya."

He smirked and took out the ice pick and cut threw it.
He stepped in and stopped for a moment.

" huh- it's just an open valley..."

Soon a huge gust of wind came and he covered his face and stood his ground.
The grass moved with the wind and the dandelions picked up around him for a second.
He had to narrowed his eyes, because his eyes being sleep deprived and sore. The sun only made them weaker.

" what a blazing sun—"

He squinted up.
He walked ahead to look around.

" I wouldn't go any further. Kid."

The guy stopped and jumped holding the pick up.

" uh- who are you-"

Sanemi leaned on a tree enjoying the wind and narrowed his eyes.

" just a protecter.."

The guy watched as he stood up and saw Sanemi's famous eyes that held malice.
He stumbled back but another gust of wind came and sanemi was gone but the sound of his sword unsheathing was heard in the wind making the guy run.
He bumped into someone and they turned around with a hawk on his shoulder.

" Haha! My what a determined soul. Stand young man!"

The man helped him up and the hawk huffed.

" my, why the rush. You already seemed fatigued."

His wings flapped.

" haha! And that complexion! You already seem dead!"

The hearty laugh of rengoku was heard with the cackle of Samuel.

" now! That is true! Let us help this young man out yeah!"

Samuel sighed and shook his head

" geez, you have no care in the world.. what if he's evil."

Rengoku smile held wide.
The guy nervously held the pick behind his back and looked down.
He tensed up feeling Rengokus hand rise and held his eyes shut.
He felt the head pat and said

" to judge ones appearance is cowardly! He has done nothing to prove of such accusations!"

The guy looked up shocked. He calmed down and followed rengoku in.
He didn't know what was wrong. He just felt safe with him. Not like the first guy- like he over came a hardship, to now be able to feel this comfort. He didn't want to lose it. He ran up to rengoku while rengoku talked about the sky, the earth, the wind and even the soul. The boy listened with open eyes and a calm spirit. He didn't even noticed he dropped the pick. He smiled while he stopped.

" in here you can get some rest!"

The boy looked up quickly.

" I- I can rest! Really!?"

Rengoku smiled and nodded

" YES that is right!"

Samuel jumped and said

" hey boy, why the desperation?"

The boy calmed down and said

" it's hard.... to explain."

The boy walked in curious enough. In there he felt the real source of comfort.
There sat a man. A scar across his face. And in his lap laid the soul orb, black as can be. The boy did not like the sadness and depressive feeling of the orb.. but the man held it while he caressed the top, he covered that sadness like it was never there.
He looked up and said.

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