4. Final selection pt 1

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On my way back I immediately stopped. The Old man was here.

" oh. You made it up here. Well I cut your boulder.."

I turned and pointed at it.
He didn't say anything and walked up too it.
He observed it then turned to me.
He held my shoulder and hugged me.

" w-what?! Hey sakonji..."

"(Y/n) you truly are.. a gifted women.."

My eyes widened. For some reason there was a turning in my chest. Like grief.
Why did his words mean so much too me. I felt my eyes start to burn and realized tears started to fill them. I tsked and shook my head.

" thanks old man.."

" make sure you come back alive from the final selection...with tanjiro.."

I smiled and pulled away.

" does that mean tanjiro made it?!"

He nodded. I smiled really wide.

" that's awesome!"

Too be honest I didn't want to go  through all that alone. If tanjiro couldn't make it then I don't want to go..
Sakonji brought me back to the house where I sat next to tanjiro.
Sakonji started to cook dinner.
He was making a feast! It was epic.
Tanjiro stared at it with amazement.
I started at his hair in shock.
It's been growing everyday.. it's longer then my own! Am I jealous?? Naw...
I reached up to finger brush it and braid it.
Tanjiro got used to this by now so he just closed his eyes smiling.
I think he Secretly enjoys it.

" so tanjiro you know I cut my boulder too right , I don't even have a blade on mine isn't that crazy."

Tanjiro just hummed and I smiled.
He's too lost in me playing with his hair.
I tugged a piece and he whined.

" oh. Sorry (y/n).."

I just laughed and let go of his hair laying on my stomach still next to him.
Me and tanjiro have gotten closer through all of this training. And I quite like it.
I felt him start to play with my hair while I was laying down watching Sakonji cook.

" hey tanjiro remember in the beginning of the 3 month of our training and I randomly threw a rock and it somehow landed on your head.."

I said in between laughs. I heard him tsk and say.

" how can I forget..that hurt.."

I died laughing. Sakonji started laughing a bit too.
Tanjiro got embarrassed and said.

" y-yeah well..remember when I caught you peeing in th-"


I turned to attack tanjiro while i was still laying down.
I heard the old man laugh and I turned to him with a red face.
Sakonji held out a bowl to tanjiro and I still embarrassed said.

" so what's the deal old man.. what's with all of this food?"

He was pouring me a bowl.
He held it to me, and while I was taking it he said.

" this is to celebrate your training..now don't be so shy and eat up.."

I nodded and we started to eat.
After we ate I turned to tanjiro.

" ok hun. I'm gonna give you a haircut."

He looked up at me after setting down a white sheet.

" huh? Oh no it's ok..I was planning on doing it... I don't want to bother you."

I waved my hands and picked up the Shears.

" naw it's fine. I cut my hair all the time. See i do pretty good."

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