1 Demons huh...

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" ugh..damn this stupid cold..and snow.."

I said walking with my oversized coat and scarf. I'm currently walking down the mountain to get some charcoal.. I ran out a few days ago... hence my cold.
I groaned looking around. There's been rumors that demons come out at night here.. so I do get paranoid from time to time..but in all honesty I don't care...kill me..not like I have someone waiting for me at the house..so I wont be missed.
I sighed and saw the village in sight. I sighed happily.
My sense of feel is pretty strong. Well not to strong but strong enough to say I'm different from the others.. so I get hot and cold easily... nothing big or fancy. Just a Nuisance. I stopped and shook my head.

" what the hell. Why did I just explain myself. It's not like I'm in a story.."

You walked into the village and saw the person that gives you charcoal.
He looked up and said.

" ah! (Y/n) long time no see...I was starting to think the demons got you up there.."

This old geezer..

" yeah yeah. You'd like that wouldn't you...now... how much you got for me.."

He laughed and said.

" yeah hold on. I just got some today."

I looked suspicious and said.

" where do you get this stuff anyway. If you tell me I'll just work for it myself."

I said sitting down at the table and placing my feet on it snuggling into my big fat coat.
He answered in the other room.

" oh I don't get it. I buy it from a young lad named tanjiro. He comes down once in a while and sells some."

The name was familiar to me. He's been famous around here but. I never met him.

" tanjiro...never seen him..but I sure have heard about him."

The old man walked out and said.

" really..he lives up the mountain too. I guess you don't go out much."

I tsked and said.

" are you crazy! There's demons up there..."

He laughed and sat the bag on the table.

" you could just go in the day time...you're so paranoid.."

I rolled my eyes and paid the guy and left.
I was walking back.
Hm..maybe I should do some exploring...all I do is stay in my house..
I looked to my left and watched the trees with the snow.
I then glared at them.
Naw..it's too damn cold..
When I was walking I noticed a cabin. It was saburos...he was leaning on the window having a smoke and I just stood there glaring at him. This bastard was the one who made me paranoid about the demons. He finally noticed me.

" hey.. it's gonna be getting dark soon..I'd hurry along while it's near noon..or just stay here a night."

I groaned and said.

" no way! Stop scaring me!"

He closed his eyes and said.

" (y/n) if it scares you so bad then listen.."

You tsked and kept walking..I will admit...I'm scared.

" yeah yeah...I'm not going back home early, NOT because you told me.."

He just smiled and watched you walk away.
It was pretty late now and you started running. You were close but still...the possibilities.
You made it in and slammed the door and locked it.

Demon slayer x reader Where stories live. Discover now