Chapter 9

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(A/N) I crei. I haven't updated in a while... Life is a bitch. Senior year is a bitch. Training is a bitch. Hhhhhhhhh why can't I just write fanfics instead of do push ups? Why? Why did I join something so troublesome? Shhhhhhhhhhhh it's okay. Everything is going to be okay. CoC broke my mind.



{your pov, lovely reader}

You and Jake stayed at the park for a while reminiscing about the past and laughing about it, catching up with each other. "Hey, (Y/N). Remember when you cooked lasagna for me once?" Jake asked you. "yeah, as a matter of fact, I do. Why?" he grinned " Let's go to your house!" he pulled you up and held your hand as you both walked out of the park. " Wait, Jake, are you serious?" he turned to face you and he was still holding your hand. "Yeah, I really miss your cooking. Plus, it has been a while since I last went to your house." he turned around and kept on walking. "Do you still know how to get there?" your face was bright red. You're holding Jake's hand. Well, actually, he is holding yours but it' still the same. " Yeah of course!"

»timeskip brought to you by my sore arms and legs«

You got to your house and you were about to get your keys from your bag when you noticed you didn't have them. "Crap. I forgot my keys..." Jake lifted this pot on your porch where you hid a spare key. " I knew the spare keys would be here ahaha" Jake winked at you and unlocked your door. You both went in and Jake sat on your couch. "I'm just gonna go in the kitchen and make you lasagna" you removed your jacket and placed it on top of the couch "make yourself at home"

"I'm going to play videogames while you conjure up some lasagna, m'lady~" Jake called out to you

{Sollux's pov}

Hours pass and I want to see (Y/N). KK walked to (Y/N)'s house with me because everyone left already. Equius had a playdate with Nepeta, Eridan had to buy something for his dad, and Gamzee and Tavros went out to the mall.

"KK, how have you been lately?" karkat didn't look at me "I'm fine Sollux. Same old, same old. " his voice was quiet. Different from his usual loud self. "Come on, KK. I know you. You were thinking about TZ again earlier, weren't you? It showed in your eyeth." Karkat was silent. "KK, you did nothing wrong. It jutht tho happened that TZ likes that Thtrider kid." Karkat's eyes getting teary. "I know Sollux, I know. But it just hurts me whenever I think about it. What does he fucking have that I don't? I knew her since we were kids. I stayed with her when she needed someone. I fucking loved her more than anyone else and I still do..." Karkat couldn't hold back his tears. I patted his shoulder. "Don't be tho hard on yourthelf. You have your whole life ahead of you. Don't let your patht pull you back. Let go of your patht and learn from it tho that you won't make the same mithtake twice." Karkat wiped his tears and looked at you "Thanks a lot, asswipe." you smirked at him " whatever, shitface" you continued walking to (Y/N)'s house. Hopefully, she was home by now.

(A/N) Lasagna because I have been craving for it. And sad story for KK because I want. I have to stop playing CoC. Someone stop me. I am not talking about Clash of Clans. (END OF A/N)

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