Chapter 1

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Leora is in shock right now. She can't stop her mind from running wild. Sometimes she wishes that she can't think about anything. Her thoughts are her biggest enemy. It's persuading her to doubts her God.

She is scared of the future. She doesn't trust this man at all. She is scared he will do something bad to her. This kind of man doesn't scare of anything. He has his kind of demon. Leora is scared that his demon will violate her with their darkness.

She has to be strong! She is a smart girl. She knows that crying will not help her at all. She believes that she still has hope. God hasn't left her and never will. There must be some way to escape this.

She tries to explore her golden cage. She needs to search for her escape. The room that held her is gigantic and extravagant. This kind of room is made for a royal family. Even this room is ten times better than her house. Despised of the extravagant room, she feels suffocated.

The big window is open wide, make the chilly night airflow into the room. She tries to check the window, wondering if she can escape through it. The room is on the third floor; no way she can jump out from it safely.

Leora rummages the room to the corner of the room and bathroom, trying to find a way out. But instead, she finds CCTV in the room and even in the bathroom. These facts make her feel suffocated. She doesn't have her privacy anymore. It scares her that the man will know everything she does.

She needs to do something for the camera. If she can get rid of them, she can do whatever she wants and try to escape. She needs a plan; she doesn't want her parents to worry about her anymore.

He is amused by what his angel does. He knows she tries to escape and find the way out. She can try the best she can, but he is sure that she can't go out without his permission. He already places CCTV, guards, and alarms to guard and inform him about his angel.

He knows that she needs time to adjust to her new life. But he wishes that she'll adjust fast, if not he doesn't have much patience left for his girl.

It's late, he thinks his girl needs to sleep right now. He doesn't want his angel to be sick because of a lack of sleep. He needs to prepare warm milk and sleeping pills for his girl. He knows because of the horror of his doing, she can't sleep for tonight.

He knocks on the door slowly and his girl opens it slowly. He knows she is scared of him, but he will try to make her comfortable in his presence. She is hesitant to let him in. But the stern look in his eyes makes her open the door widely, allow him to enter.

"Hello bambina, why are you not sleeping right now?" He asked.

"I.. I can't sleep, sir." She answers timidly. He likes it when she knows her place and respects him like that. The way she refers to him with sir, make his blood rushing to his lower region.

"You should sleep, little girl. Now get in the bed right now." He said sternly. Leora obediently rushing to her bed and covers all her body from head to toe with the thick blanket.

His girl never fails to amuse him with the small actions she does. The way she timidly answers him and hides all her body from his eyes, it's so adorable. He wishes that she will be dependent on him and only him.

"You need to breathe bambina, don't hide all over your face." He said as he brings himself closer to the bed. He smiles as he sees the beautiful small head of his girl. He can see that she seems shocked by his smile. Nobody has ever seen this mesmerizing smile. She is in luck today to see that beautiful smile of his.

"Now piccolo you need your beauty sleep." He says and held the warm milk and one piece of sleeping pill to her.

She doesn't want to eat or drink anything from the man. The pill he held it's too suspicious to her. But she knows it won't harm her terribly. If he wants to do something terrible to her, he will do it before. She doesn't have the strength to fight him over if he tries something bad to her.

"Drink it and take the pill. I promise I won't hurt you." He convinces. She shakes her head sternly. He sighed out, he needs to try to be patient.

"I know you can't sleep in this situation. But we don't want you to be sick because of lack of sleep, right bambina?" He asks trying to gentle his voice. She nods with warry eyes looking at him.

They are both exhausted today. He needs his bambina to be asleep and don't do anything stupid. He doesn't want to punish her on the first day. She won't be exhausted emotionally and physically after a good sleep.

"It's just a sleeping pill. It won't hurt you and I won't do anything when you're asleep." He explains.

"Promise?" She asks quietly try to trust her captor. He smiles when he hears that innocent voice.

"I promised my bambina." He held the pill and warm milk. He watches as his angel takes the pill and drinks the milk.

He is amused by the girl's cleverness. She thinks he won't know about the little tricks she does. But he's proud of his girl's cleverness.

"Stop there. Open your mouth and hold your tongue up." He says sternly.

She can't believe that he will know what she is doing. She is scared if she opens her mouth and tongue the pill below her tongue will be the death of her. She doesn't know where she stands if he is angry with her.

"I'm sorry." She says pitifully after swallowing the pill quickly.

"Don't ever do that again. You can't bear the consequence if you do not follow my order. I promise not to hurt you as long as you follow everything I say." Says the dominant man makes the pitiful girl more scared of him.

"I'm proud of your smart action. But don't do that against my will. I know you don't trust me right now. Just trust that I won't hurt you if you be my good girl." He can see the faint blush in her cheeks when he compliments her cleverness.

"Now finished up the warm milk." He demands. She quickly does what he says. She doesn't have a choice now, but she can work this out and escape this place.

"Good girl." The blush becomes redder in her small cheeks. He comes slowly to the girl and tucks her to sleep.

She can see that this man is kind to her. Maybe she can find a way out and negotiate with him tomorrow. She tries to hold her drowsy eyes open, but the drug fights her to make her sleep.

He smiles when he sees that his angel tries to fight the drug. She worries if she closes her eyes he will do something bad. He needs to try to work on her trust. But for today they need their sleep.

He kisses the crown of her head and strokes her checks gently. Coaxing her to close her eyes and fall asleep. He satisfies when his angel is already asleep."Buona notte bambina mio." (Goodnight my baby)

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