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Kendall's POV

I woke up, the next day, to a dull sky, and Kira sleeping on my chest. I smiled to myself and dragged my finger through her dark hair. She moved a little, but didn't wake up. I stole a glance at the wall clock. It was half past nine.

I grabbed my phone from my bed-side table, detaching the charger with difficulty and sliding it open. One miss call, and a message from James. Message received 1:30 am. 

J: Sorry to bother u, but u didn't call back. If u still need my help, be at Starbucks at maybe 10? 

Holy Crap!

I put the phone beside my pillow, and carefully shifted Kira's head off of me. She groaned and her eyes, filled with sleep, opened up. "Go back to sleep." I whispered to her, as I climbed out of bed. She smiled before lifting her head up.

"Where are you off to?" She asked in a tired voice. "It's a surprise." I told her, kissing her forehead. "I'll see you my parents' place tonight, okay?"

"I have stay without you all day?" She pouted. "Sorry baby." I said and straightened up, and walked to the closet, pulling out some jeans and a tee. I made a quick visit to the bathroom, and downstairs to find Kira in the kitchen, still in her night clothes, her hair pulled into a messy bun on top of her head.

I went over to her and hugged her from behind. She looked behind her, I leaned down and kissed her. I pulled away soon and grabbed a slice of buttered toast.

"Don't go." She called after me. I turned around at the kitchen door, and smiled again. "You have to be at work in fifteen minutes." Her eyes flew open as she checked the time on the microwave.

"Shit!" She exclaimed and glared at me. "See you there, then." She placed a quick kiss on my lips and hurried past me, thundering up the stairs. I chuckled to myself and grabbed the car keys. I reached Starbucks and saw James' car in the parking lot.

I went inside and saw him with a bunch of girls. I waved over to him to catch his attention, he waved back. Idiot. I was hoping to get out undetected. The girls looked at me, and squealed. 'Oh boy.' I thought as I walked over to them. "Hey girls!" I greeted, them and then James with a man-hug. "Be right back." I told them and got some vanilla Latte'.

By the time I went back, the girls were gone and James was standing. "Lets go?" He asked. I nodded and followed him out. We got in our cars and he asked me to follow him.

Once we had reached a jewellery shop, then it hit me: What if she said no?

"Bro, you okay?" James asked. I looked at him, and repeated my thoughts. He gave me a 'Really?' look and smacked my head. I rubbed the stop, cursing under my breath.

"She won't say no." He said.

"How do you know?" I asked.

"You've been together for almost half a decade now." He said. "That's ninety five years to a century, and if she said 'no', she'd be crazy to do that, because, this may sound awkward coming from me, but you're a great guy Kendall. Any girl would be lucky to have you."

I smiled at him before nodding gratefully. I saw some rings to the right corner and went to check those out, but nothing was satisfying because they were all too fancy, if you know what I mean. And Kira doesn't like huge studs even on her ears.

"Umm, no." I said and moved over to simpler ones. After ten minutes of looking, I grabbed my hair in frustration. "Now what?" James asked.

"I can't decide."

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