(28) - Final Chapter

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Kendall's POV

I put the glass of water down carefully when I heard someone scream my name. I knew who it was, of course. Who else would it be? I frowned and turned away from the kitchen. I took the stairs, two at a time and turned left towards her room. I could hear her panicked voice behind the doors, and it freaked me out. I pushed open the door and groped for the light switch on the wall next to me.

I cursed when I couldn't find it. I turned on the entire switchboard. The entire room bathed in bright lights. I winced and turned most of them back off.

I saw Kira in a messy bundle of blankets, her face ghostly pale and her eyes bulging. I crouched next to her. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay. It's alright." I whispered to her. "I'm here."  She grabbed my hand in a tight grasp. "It was just a dream" I told her. She took deep breaths and looked at me like she didn't believe me. I stood up and pushed her down the bed. I lied down next to her and held her close to me, whispering comforting things that seemed to have slow reactions.

She buried her face in my neck. Her breathing was still short and rugged, and she was holding on so tight that it almost scared me how scared she was. I didn't know how long after my whispers died away, but soon she was asleep again. Gently as I could, I lifted her head off my arm and readjusted the covers around her. I went back to my room and tried to go back to sleep. But for some reason, I was more awake than I had been the entire night. The yellow twinkling light that usually made my eyes heavy, now made me think of old times...like an old photograph yellowed with age. That's probably what Kira's memories were like. Yellow, and faded so bad she couldn't help but not recognize them.

I licked my dry lips and tried to think of happier times. Of joyous days and lighter hours- but nothing made me any less awake. Finally, there was a knock on my door. I frowned, but realized I knew who it was. Seriously. Who else?

I smiled. "Come in."
I didn't feel like getting out of bed, I was too comfortable.

Kira entered the room, looking timid. Her hair tousled, and her eyes looking like they belonged to a zombie. "What's wrong?" I asked.

"C-can I please sleep in your room tonight?"

I tried to restrain my face. "Sh-Sure, c'mon."

I moved over and let her climb in next to me. At first, she lay with her back to me. I was kind of disappointed because I was hoping it would be like old times. She would sleep on that reserved spot on my shoulder, but I guessed she didn't remember.

I stared at the back of her head. Cautiously, I put my arm around her waist. She didn't move.
I still couldn't sleep. Maybe I needed her to turn around, but I couldn't bring myself to force her. I lay awake even after her breathing slowed down and her shoulder slumped.

Then, I don't know how, long after I was done thinking about her soft hair, she shifted around so she faced me. Blinking, I raised my arm and she moved into my body. I put my arm down so she was lying on my shoulder-cap. I was frozen in slight shock, but I wasn't really aware of my surroundings, because when I straightened myself to lay flat on my back, she raised her left leg and draped it across my waist. Then it must be the Ghost Kira working about, because then, she did something so unexpected, that if I weren't getting a bit drowsy from the warmth of her body, and from the pain of having her so close, and not having her at all, I would have fainted, because she leaned up, kissed my cheek and snuggled down. On her spot.


Kira's POV 

I woke up from a dreamless sleep. I remembered everything from the previous night except how I happened to be lying across Kendall. I lifted my head off his chest and pushed my hair back. The room was warm, and Kendall was slightly frowning in his sleep. One hand on the small of my back, the other one on his belly. Something told me it was on my waist before it slipped off.

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