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I cried quietly into his chest as he rubbed soothing circles in my back. The sky was dark, and only a few stars could be seen. It was cloudy and windy. I was looking at the dark sky, totally lost, maybe I was trying to imagine more stars, or maybe I was making a wish- or just hoping that everything will be fine...soon.

"Kira?" His soft voice called. I didn't realize it, but I had stopped crying, and was lying motionlessly against him. I sniffled and sat up. "Yeah?" I croaked, barely audible. He gave me a sad smile and wiped the tears off my face. Suddenly, a light came on, blinding me. I covered my eyes, and then the back door opened and I heard footsteps until a figure came into view. Mama Schmidt.

"Kendall? Kira? What're you guys doing out there? Come on in!" She called. Kendall nodded to her and she left, and then he turned to me. "You okay?" I nodded in response and he stood up, and then helped me up as well. I straightened my shirt a little loftily since my arm would ache occasionally even though they had taken off the cast. The leg pains were gone, but sometimes they would return at night and make sleeping a dream not to come true.

I looked at Kendall, taking in his face one more time, then, I don't know what made me do it, but I put my arm around his back; leaning against his shoulder, catching him by surprise because he looked down at me, confused for a second, before a small, pretty smile crept on lips and he put his' around me as well.

It felt comfortable to walk in pace with him. It felt nice. It almost felt like before.

Kendall lead me and I said goodnight to him at the foot of the stairs and slowly made my way upstairs, thinking about what had happened.

The flashes were from my memory for sure. But the crowd? Why would I be in a crowed? The only crowds I had been in, were concert crowds- those men were singers! But- who were they? I didn't remember them. But that song had reminded me of them. They looked like a band from their matching outfits. Who did I know was in a band? I know Kendall always wanted to be a singer, but I didn't see him on stage. Maybe he took me to a concert? But no, wouldn't I see his face beside me then? Why would I remember the people on stage? They didn't mean anything to me, did they?

Kendall's POV

I was flicking through channels, smiling sub consciously when I something made me stop. Big Time Movie was airing on Teennick. I stopped and watched the entire thing. Laughing as Logan got shot again and again, and how James would try to kiss Penny every chance he got. The bathroom escape and the 'Cat me!' and Katie's insults at Moon. The memories certainly put me in a good mood. I wiped the tears from the laughter from my eyes and sighed, remembering the shooting. Kira was with us then, too.

What if maybe I showed her the movie, maybe she will remember the old days? Maybe she will remember, or maybe she wont. But she has to. She has got to. I don't know how, but she has to. She has to come back to me. She has to remember. She has to.

I felt the couch sink a little as someone sat down next to me. I didn't bother to look up from the spot on the floor I was staring at. I wanted to think of ways to get her memory back - "Kendall!"


"Are you sure you're not going deaf?" Kenneth asked. He was still in his grey suit and tie. His brief case lying closed near his feet. He looked a model of stiffness. And yes, he could be super boring when he wanted to, but he was pretty cool too- and the best person to ask for advice. "Can I ask you something?"



"Because I know what you're going to ask: 'Do you think she'll remember everything at all, some day, or stay this way? Because you won't be able to live like that.' You've asked me the same thing at least twice now. Last weekend and last Wednesday." He said.

"Oh, my God. What a perfect memory." I mumbled to myself.

"I heard that." He said gently. I ignored him. I shouldn't. I should behave more like an adult, but I felt like a little toddler who had lost his favorite toy. It felt like I had, too. But I hadn't lost my favorite toy, I had lost my favorite girl.

"Oh, stop crying, will you?" Kenneth's voice interrupted my thoughts again. I turned my head to look at him, bu couldn't because my vision was blurred with the tears in front of my pupils. I cry a little too much, but real men cry.

I rubbed my eyes and took my head in my hands. "I can't do this anymore." I told him. "Do what?" He asked.

"I can't be around her, knowing I can't be with her."

"Kendall, get your priorities right."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You want her to get better? Or you just want her to remember you?"

"The only way she can remember me is by getting better!"

"What if that's what you think you want to do but that's not what you're doing?"

I stared at him as his deep thoughts confused me again. I looked back on the floor, and then put my head back against the back of the couch.

"I need her back, Kenneth." I whispered.

"And you will."

"How? I want to help her, and I want her back- but I don't know how! I tried to talk to her -"

"Since when has talking helped you, that you're an expert on talking?"

I glared at him. That was true. Talking doesn't usually help me. Music does, but talking is not a total no go. "So, what should I do?"

"Take her places. Remind her who she was. Remind her of the people she loved, and that's not just you. There's her friends."

A smile crept up on my face as I realized what I was going to do.

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