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Dun Dun Dun!


Kendall's POV

The darkness was fading away. Everything was a blur. I opened my eyes, and struggled to keep them that way for two seconds. They drooped shut again. I tried again, a few minutes later, giving my body time to start functioning again, but my head felt heavy, I gave up, and felt myself falling into sleep again. I had no idea where I was, anyway.

The next time I woke up, my head felt much clearer. Everything was still out of focus, but it was much better than before. I forced myself to sit up, blinking slowly, trying to clear my vision. I felt a pinch, and I looked down to see a single tube coming out of my left arm that led up to an IV.

Why would I need an IV?

I stared awkwardly around. I was in a ward with only two more un-vacated beds, both at the far end of the room. A while later, a nurse dressed in white walked thorugh the swinging doors. Her face lit up when she saw me.

"Ah, Mister Schmidt! Awake, I see?" She asked.
"Guess so." I muttered.
"How do you feel?" She asked.
"Heavy." I told her.
"Well, that is pretty natural after a sudden collapse." She stated.
"I collapsed?" I asked, scrunching up my eyebrows.
"Um, yes? It was barely a minute after you woke up from your sleep." She smiled sheepishly.
"What sleep?" I asked.
"I should try to jog your memory a bit." She said. "What's the last thing you remember?" She asked.
"Uhh," I racked my brains for something. "The last thing I remember is getting dressed up to see... Kira!" I suddenly remembered everything. "Wh-where is she? Is she okay?" I asked.
"Mister Schmidt, calm down. She is okay. You were out for almost fifteen hours." She said.
"Oh." I said. "What's that?" I asked, pointing at the IV.
"Glucose." She answered. "You were getting very weak, and Doctor Bruce said it was mandatory unless you wanted to keep collapsing everywhere." She said,
"Why did I collapse again?"
"One, because you were very weak, because you had barely any food inside you except for some coffee and you've been restless for the past two weeks. And two, because of shock." She added sympathetically. I looked down in my lap and licked my dry lips.
"Can I have some water?" I asked.
"I'm sorry, sir. Not for another two hours." She said.
"Can I go?" I asked, preparing to stand up, but she stopped me.
"Better wait until it’s finished." She said.

I sighed and nodded. I rested my back against the head board and got everything straight.
I was in this ward, because I had fainted. I had fainted because of shock. I was shocked because Kira was awake, and had lost her memory.

I'm going to get your memory back, baby girl...

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