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Kendall's POV

I finally found a ring that looked simply perfect. It had a platinum band, and little diamonds scattered on top and corners of the bigger one. A princess diamond. It was perfect. From there, James went back to his place, and after a long walk in the park to calm my nerves, I went back as well.

I was very anxious as it is, and when Kevin asked me to show the ring to him, I swear my body felt like a bottle that was over flowing with doubt. What if she said no?

"She won't." Kevin said.

"I said that out loud?"

"Yes you did, dumbass." He said and left me at the dining table alone. Soon afterwards, Dustin came over and we went into the studio. We had finished filming the music videos yesterday, now we were to work on some new beats.

"Dustin what if she said no?" I asked. He breathed out and glared at me. 

"Kendall. You've asked me that question five times already. She is NOT going to say no. If she didn't want to spend her life with you, she wouldn't have been dating you for half a decade." He said, pushing his glassed up his nose.

"Four years." I corrected.

"Same difference!" He said, turning back to his guitar. "I think we need more bass."

"Lets work on that, then."


"She is gonna be here in  half an hour. I want everything to be perfect." I said to mom and dad.

"So, what do we have to do?" They asked. Good question. What do they have to do? Maintaining my statue facade, I turned around and left the room without a word.

What the hell was I even thinking? I began pacing my room. This felt wrong. Something was not right. Something bad was about to happen. Oh God, keep Kira safe.

10 minutes later, I went downstairs and switched on the television. There was nothing but boring news going on. I sighed and switched it off, staring at the blank screen. Why isn't the time passing today? Urgh...

I looked at the clock. It was 5:47. Kira gets off work at 5:30, and our place is only at a ten minute walk, and she had a car. She should've been here minutes ago. I bit my lip, wondering if she was still working or on her way or if something- no. No, she's fine.

And then next minute, , my phone was ringing. I pulled it out of my jeans pockets. It was an Kira's number. Grinning, l slid it open and received the call.

"Is this Kendall Schmidt?" Asked a panicky voice on the other side of the line, not giving me a chance to say something. 

"Y-yes. Where's Kira?" I asked, standing up.

"Kira's been in an accident. Get here as soon as you can."

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