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Kendall's POV (Sorry. I have the tendency to do that every chapter.)

"Kira, please - Come back...I miss you. I need you. Baby, please." I silently sobbed, stroking her hair, feeling helpless and lost and miserable. Her cold hand lay motionlessly in mine. She was holding my hand all morning. She hadn't let go. Not once. "Kira," I whispered. "I know you're there. I know you can hear me. Please, baby come back!"

"Come back!" I almost shouted. I felt like a lost puppy. The world seemed larger than it ever did. It felt like when I was with her, the world was beneath me, and now that I was not, everything looked like towering figures, coming down to crush me into a powder the first chance they got.

I was scared.

Beep. Beep. Beep. 

My head shot up. The 'beeping' had gone much, much faster than before. I looked around till I found the device. I made to stand up, but suddenly, Kira, surprisingly, took such a strong hold on my hand it felt like my fingers were going to break. She was breathing heavily. Her chest was rising and falling, rapidly. "Kira?" I called, stupidly. I couldn't help it: I was hopeful, yet scared of another heart break. She was awake...or was she?

I pried my hand away and ran out of the door.

"SOMEBODY GET A DOCTOR HERE! QUICK!" I yelled out. Moments later, Doctor Bruce-The-Walrus and a nurse were running in. They did their thing. I had no idea what was going on around me. I had covered my face with my hands, pulling my hair in frustration,

I wanted the noise to stop. I wanted it all to end. I wanted to die. If I wasn't gonna have Kira back, didn't wanna live. "WHATS HAPPENING?!" I asked as she started wheezing uncomfortably. Throwing one last worried look at the commotion in front of me, I ran outside. Into the calm air of the hallway, with individuals sitting in plastic chairs along the white walls.

Involuntarily, I grabbed my phone from my pocket and before I knew it, Kevin was speaking through the receiver. "Kendall?"
"Huh- what?" I asked.
"Kendall, you're the one who called."
"Kevin!" I exclaimed.
"I-it's Kira! She, she -"
"She's awake?!"
"Yes- no. I don't know!" I broke down.
"Ken, keep calm. I'm coming. Just wait!"

I put the phone back in my jeans' pockets, tears leaking my eyes as I began to paced up and down the hallways. I had a bad stomach ache. It was over-excited nerves. Did that make sense? In one way I was excited, but maybe they were just worried nerves? Or over-pressured nerves?

Soon after, Kevin arrived. "Where is she?" Were the first words out of his mouth. I wiped the sweat off my face and we both re-entered room 147. The doctor and nurse were still there, and Kira - eyes closed, laying back, breathing heavily. I didn't even know if she was back in the unconscious state or jus sleeping. 

Pain went through me, and I shook my head, looking away.

"Mister Schmidt," Doctor Bruce called, his voice indicated a smile. "She's awake."

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