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Kira's POV 

"I love you more Kira." He said, looking at me with a far away look in his eyes, and the color drained out of his blank and pale face. His green eyes were so prominent on his milky white face. It felt like he was remembering something painful. And I got the bad feeling that that something had something to do with me. I felt guilty for not telling him what I actually felt.

When he was not around, I felt scared, weak, and vulnerable. I felt like he was a piece of me that I couldn't live without. I felt sort of insane when he wasn't around. That was part of the reason why I had chosen to come home with him, and had finally figured out what was wrong and began to come out of the room more often. The other reason was, that he made me feel secure. He made me feel safe and at home. The last time he had hugged me, four days ago, I had almost asked for another one. But I didn't, because he wanted me to remember everything I had forgotten. Things were slowly coming back, but that wasn't fast enough for him.

I remembered how Kendall and I met. We dated all through the senior year of High School. We went to prom, and afterwards, he got into the music industry. I know he had a ton of friends there. But- I don't remember anything besides the show on Nick.

I don't know what happened after the show ended. I don't know where Kendall went. I don't know why he left me. I don't know where I was going when I had the accident. The last thing I remember before waking up in the hospital is just the car crash. But I don't remember Ken that morning. The last time I probably saw him was when him and I were pigging out on some pie.

And I was still thinking about all that I remembered, and the way he made me feel, lost in his eyes, when I felt a pair of quivering, warm, strangely familiar lips press gently against mine, vaguely familiar. For a moment, I was still as a statue, maybe even as cold, but then his lips, I knew now it was him, the way they moved against mine.It was magic. The way those two lips would envelop me. The way they were making me feel warm and toasty inside. The way they were making something stir inside my chest. I don't know how or when, I began to kiss him back, grabbing his shirt when he deepened the kiss.

He made me feel weak in the knees, but in a good way. Not the way I would feel when I would be without him. The kiss was sweet, gentle, passionate, and full of love. I don't know where it was all coming from, but it felt like I had known this man all along. It felt like he was the one I needed, and not the person I keep dreaming of, waking up only to find an empty bed.

I don't know how long it went on, but I knew I was crying, because I could feel the hot tears settled on my cheeks. It hurt me, a lot, because as the pressure on the kiss increased, I could tell what he was feeling. He was in pain. So much pain. I didn't want this. I never wanted this.

I never wanted anyone in pain. Not even a stranger, and this stranger had helped me through so much. He had helped me recover. Gave me a place to stay when my parents couldn't free themselves a visit. Helped through when I was alone. He was there to hold me close and tell me everything was fine. He was there to wipe away my tears. He was there to listen to me.

But where was he? Where was my family? Where were the ones I love? Why were these strangers helping me through? What were they to me? Or what was I to them? Did the mean something?

And then suddenly, it all fits...somehow.
The Schmidt's, hey must know me. Somehow. I must have a connection. I must know them. But Kendall? Why do I feel especially attached to him? Why does it feel like he means something to me?

And I'm still thinking about all the stuff that's been nagging me for weeks, when Kendall backs away. My eyes shoot open and it happens. Again.

Kendall. He smiles at me. He laughs- he's gone from my range of sight. Four men and three women surround me, a cake sits on a table. Another person beneath me. Holding me in his lap, his chin brushing against my cheek. I look to my right. The man with green eyes smiles at me. His lips brush against my cheek. We laugh quietly. Everybody is yelling birthday wishes. I'm sitting alone in a cozy looking room. There's the sound of a door opening. I stand up just as another tall figure enters the room. He smiles. I walk over to him. He hugs me tightly. Kisses my forehead, letting his lips linger there. I'm back in a room. Surrounded by instruments. I have a guitar in my lap. I'm strumming it. I'm singing. I can't remember the song. There's darkness. All around. I'm standing in a void. Alone. Friendless.

And I'm back. Right beside Kendall in the grass. My fair wet with tears that I don't know came from where. His glassy eyes were looking at me, his lips parted as he breathed heavily. "Kira.." He whispered. Panting as well, from the flashes, I shook my head to silence him.

No words were needed here but three.

I only knew one thing. I didn't care who he was. I didn't care who I  was.
"I love you."

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