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I totally forgot I even had this book until I had a writer-to-writer talk with @mythesque Lol.

Kendall's POV 

After nurse Kate let me go, much later that day, after she took some blood, which hurt as hell, and made me eat a lot of fruits because I was 'lacking on iron', and a few meds to take, I was finally free to see what was up with Kira. Mom and Kev came to see me, because they had nothing else to do in the hospital seeing as Kira refused to recognize them too. They both went home, and left me to ponder: What now?

I felt a lot better. Maybe half of my bad mood was because I was tired and somewhat ill, but - Kira?
Just thinking about her made me wanna pass out again. At least then I didn't have to think about anything, or worry about anyone. I would be knocked out, without a single care in the world. 

That's being selfish. Said the voice in my head. But, it was right. I was being selfish. If I was out, who would take care of Kira? I mean, sure my family, and her family would - but they don't love her the way I do. They don't know her the way I do. They can't help her get her memory back the way I can. And that's what I must do. Not give up, and bring my girl back to me. 


I re-entered room 147 and saw her frail figure just laying there, watching T.V, her arm still in a cast. She still winced whenever the pressure increased on her side, and there were still a few cuts and bruises visible on her face and other arm. She looked up when she saw me come inside. She gave me a confused look, yet a soft, but pained smile still was plastered on her face. "Hey." I smile sadly.

"Hello." She spoke softly. Hesitantly, I went and sat down in the empty chair beside her bed. I was unsure of what I wanted to do since I couldn't do anything freely around her anymore. She'll think I'm from Stone-Age. I want to help her, but I'm not sure how.

"I- I wanted to say thanks." She said, shyly.
"For what?" I asked her.
"They told me you were here the entire time I was unconscious. Thank you for being here- but I don't understand.” She said, frowning. “Why were you here? I don't remember you. Out of anyone." She added, her voice full of sadness. I just kept quiet, trying hard not to burst into tears.

"Are you okay now?" She asked, catching me by surprise. I looked up and passed a shifty grin.
"Yeah, I'm okay. I was just- you know, tired." I told her.
She sat twiddling her fingers. "I'm sorry." She said abruptly.
"I- I'm sorry." She repeated.
"For what?" I asked, leaning forwards. She looked lost for a moment as she frowned, but then her expression cleared and she spoke up again. "I- I don't know." She said, blushing hard.

"Hey, it's okay. I know you don't remember anything, ba- Kira, but I can help you. I promise." I took her and comforted her. She looked fearfully at me and bit her lip.

"How?" She asked.
"I - I just can." I said, lamely.
"No, tell me!" She suddenly shouted, making me flinch.
"Kira- "
"Why do you keep calling me that?" She asked, irritated.
"Um, because it's your name?" I asked. She looked into her lap, scrunching up her eyebrows.
"Look, you and I have been together – for- for almost five years." I blurted out. Her head snapped up in surprise. "What?" She freaked.

"Okay, that may have been a shocker." I said, regretting my choice of that being the first thing she would like to know from her long lost memory.
"No - no, I don't know you. You aren't my boyfriend. Or fiancé. Whatever. I have no idea who you are. Sorry." She rumbled. I closed my eyes, briefly, to hide the tears from her and opened them again.
"Kira. How much do you remember?" I asked.
"Not a lot." She mumbled, making me think she didn’t trust me. "I just remember I was driving, I think back home, and I turned a corner, and - then it's all blank. I just remember waking up here with you in my lap three days ago."
"Anything before that?" I asked, hopefully. She thought around for a minute for her eyes went wide and she answered me.

"I do remember three people. But just three." She said, still acting shy.
"Who?" I asked, keenly.
"Well, a man named, Dalton?" She asked.
"He's your, um, Dad." I told her, feeling a bit goofy for some reason.
"Oh." She paused. "And a woman name Clarissa. Is she my mom?"
I smiled and nodded at her.
"Who's the third one?" I asked, feeling anxious.
"My real boyfriend," She said, her tone making me feel like I was on the edge of the world. I looked down, I really was at the edge of my seat. I pushed back and tried to calm down, and I was really glad I sat back, too, because her next words would have sent me to the floor again. "Kendall."

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