Chapter 5

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   I didn't want anyone knowing that I had overheard them but I didn't want to go to sleep yet so I ran to the cartographers tent. It was illuminated by a dim light and several shelves that were packed with maps lined the back of the large tent. I wanted to know what was happening right now so I pulled out a few maps to study.
My eyes were strained and wished I could summon even the smallest bit of light even if it was a terrible idea after overhearing what I just had.

I was looking at the political boundaries when I saw that most of west Ravka was taken over by Fijerda. The land didn't belong to them and I knew Ravka was eventually going to win it back but that didn't change how my heart dropped when I realized I was in the middle of Ravka's bloodiest wars.

This war had lasted over ten years and thousands of people died. At least I was getting closer to knowing what year it was but I was searching maps for exact dates still.
The Darkling had created the fold about four years before the war was over so that narrowed me down to six years I could be in. I was searching the dates of maps and trying to order the most recent dates when I heard one of the flaps open and the Darkling walked into the tent.

  "Sorry, are you busy? I just need to get a map so I can write a report on the patrol."
The Darkling said, scanning the maps I had laid out across the table.

  "If you don't mind, can you help me with the second half of the report."

"Yes of course." I said a little too eagerly

I was finally starting to earn his trust. I didn't want to admit it to myself but I liked him. The Darkling seemed a bit taken aback by my enthusiasm but he just pulled a map off one of the areas north of here. As we walked through camp I realized I was used to heads turning in the Darkling's presence but nobody seemed to care.

   Why would they? Right now he wasn't one of the most powerful grisha to exist and he wasn't the leader of the second army yet. We entered a small tent that seemed to act as an office and I assumed it was his.

The desk was actually two crates with a wooden board resting on top of it and papers were everywhere. I honestly thought he would be more organized but I was beginning to realize that almost everything I guessed about him was wrong.

"Well this is organized." I said sarcastically.
I didn't even mean to say that but the words slipped. The Darkling laughed. I missed the sound of his laugh. Once again had a perfect chance to kill him. I had been in charge of the second army I could create instead of him.

I could be free of hiding and reveal my powers so grisha would follow me. I could make up excuses about why I shouldn't kill him but the truth was that I didn't want to, it seemed so wrong to kill him for something he'd have no idea what he did. Did he have any idea of what he could become?
"Can you explain what happened after I got knocked out and I'll ask you questions to get this finished."

I explained everything that happened and finally the Darkling asked "About how many Fijerdans were there?"

"I don't know, maybe fifteen."
"Something about this seems off." the Darkling said more to himself than me.

   "You're right even with grisha and being at an advantage in the forest it was too easy."

I didn't know much about military tactics and I would definitely be able to plan something better than that.
"They weren't trying to kill us. It would make sense if they wanted to capture one of us but that doesn't explain why all of them had non lethal weapons and not just one or two. Did any of them run?"
"Yeah but just a few."
Worry flashed across the Darkling's face and I had the feeling that we had fallen into some type of trap. The Darkling was writing something down and seemed to momentarily forget about me.

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