Chapter 6

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   Panic clawed at me as I sat down across from him. He didn't look all that suspicious and he was interviewing everyone so he might not find out it was me.

  "I haven't heard anything about it." My voice came out higher than I would've liked and it was obvious I was lying.
"Did you see anything that looked close to light on the patrol?" He asked, it would be even more obvious I was lying if I said nothing happened when everyone else clearly saw something.
"I saw a flash but I was trying not to get killed to really care." I tried to sound confident but was failing miserably.            

  General Janazain studied me for what was probably only a second but it felt too long.

   "Your hair is an interesting color." He eventually said.

I had put my hair in a low bun and I was wearing a hat to cover it's unusual color but it still stood out.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I asked now feeling insecure as well as scared.

"Nothing," I doubted that. "Get Lieutenant Morozova for me will you?"

   I still wasn't used to everyone not calling him by his title.

  "Yeah I'll do that." I said. It took a lot of effort to not sprint out of the tent.

I eventually found the Darkling ordering people on where to go. There was probably something else happening soon.

  "Aleksander, General Janazain wants to see you."

Using his name was weird but if I addressed him any other way wouldn't make sense to anyone else.

  "Ok thanks I'll talk to him when I'm done with this."

He walked off to handle whatever he needed to. I wanted to talk to Willow. She could have possibly seen me summon light, if she did she probably would have told the Darkling. I found her training with someone I didn't know, she was a really good fighter and pinned her opponent easily. She saw me and came over when she was done.

   "Did General Janazain interview you too?" I asked

"Yeah he did one for everyone. I couldn't tell him much, I saw something but I thought I just looked at the sun too closely or something, it's nothing to worry about."

Easy for her to say she wasn't hiding a power that could get her killed.

  "He seemed really suspicious of me." I said,

Unfortunately he had a right to be.
"He's creepy like that, don't let it bother you, he hates grisha."

"Why does he have one as his second in command then?"

   It didn't make any sense why he did but there had to be some logical exclamation for it.

"Nobody really knows. Aleksander thinks it's because he wants to monitor him closer but it doesn't really work."

  Willow seemed unbothered but I couldn't help but think there was something else that could put him and all the other grisha here in danger. The Darkling had to know this, he made his distrust obvious. I was about to train with Willow when I heard gunshots. General Janazain was firing a pistol in the air and the whole camp had turned to look at him.

  "We found the Sun Summoner," saints what was I going to do.

"She hid her powers from us and as you know the punishment for that is death."   

He continued but he wasn't looking at me and gestured for two soldiers to step forward. They were holding a girl who was struggling frantically

"Please I don't know what you're talking about." She sobbed

  I recognized her from the patrol, General Janazain must have thought she was the Sun Summoner and not me. I was about to interject when I heard a loud crack and knew it was the cut. The Darkling hadn't done much damage other than splitting a few empty crates in half but it was certainly enough to get everyone's attention. I was a good distance from him and I could still tell he was furious.
  "What do you think you're doing. You have no evidence for this."   He shouted

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