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Other's pop pills
To heal.

Other's drink alcohol
To feel free.

But me..

I Puff!

I blow the cigarette's smoke in a ring...

Like a king

To ignore my demons,

To ignore my pain,

To feel alive

Like I'm five_again

I smoke to survive.

When I am on cloud nine..

My head spines...

My world shines...

Everything feels like mine.

Don't tell me sir!...

I know the answer...

I know Everytime I inhale the smoke
I install the cancer...

Giving me a shorter_lifespan


Early death with fun is better
than late death with pain.

My cigarettes are like treasure...

They never fail to give me pleasure.

Indeed Slow killer they are...

The burning smoke eats me up bit by bit

But yet still gives me the most pleasant feeling.

The smoke killed many but at least it gave them pure Bliss?

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