Mentally Exhausted

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It's been a long week

Going back and forth

Arguing with the voice in my head

Tired of having late night conversations with my demon's

Keeping me awake just to remind of something I am aware of
"My useless existence"

It's been a long week

Going back and forth
Trying so hard to cover up the pain
With a smile

Hiding the scars on my wrist
with long sleeves

Depriving my tear's to freedom
Holding my sobs captive
Like they committed a crime

It's been a long week

Going back and forth
Convincing myself I am stronger
than my suicidal thoughts

It's been a long week

I am mentally exhausted
I'm sorry I couldn't keep myself together
I couldn't hold back the tightness I felt in my chest

All the emotions crumbled down on me
And it was so overwhelming
That I couldn't hold back the tear's from streaming down my cheeks
Like a beautiful waterfall sight
I'm sorry I let my sobs be heard
But even rainfall is acompanied by thunder

I'm mentally exhausted
And I'm sorry for breaking down in your presence for you do not care about my emotions.

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