She is me and I am her

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Were do I begin?
Do I start with an apology?
Or  appreciation
For not killing the dreams of
an innocent girl that lives within her

She is beautiful but they are day's I call her ugly
She is weak yet strong
She is a fighter
She is a survivor
She lives and she thrives

She has scars on her body
To her they are trophies , wins
Proof of the battle's she won

She is the best thing and the worst thing to ever exist in someone's life
I am her and she is me

I am proud of her
I am proud of how accepting she is towards herself

I am proud of her
for she has grown to love every bit of her flaws and imperfections
I am proud she chose life over death

She's now starting afresh
A new beginning
A blissful life journey
Now she looks at the future full of positivity and hope

She is me and I am her
And I am proud of myself

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