Chapitre Neuf

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Regulus woke up to the sun shining bright in his face, he went to move but was wrapped up in blankets and a person. His person. His thing. Regulus smiled James was low, holding onto his waist.

"Potter. We have classes today" "Sirius Shh" "it would be very bad if I found you with Sirius like this wouldn't it"? James blinked awake and smiled "Ello Reg" "Potter. Now let me up! I have to shower" "we could shower together" James smirked mischievously as Regulus wrapped himself in the blankets "I would but you should be heading back your dorm mates-" "your brother can shove it" James got up and walked stark naked to the bathroom connect to Regulus's room, and what can Regulus say the heart wants what the heart wants.


The two boys split apart, running, Regulus to Care of Magical Creatures and James to Transfigurations.

"Mr.Potter" McGonagall stared at him expectantly as he burst through the doors out of breath.

Lily stared at him like he was an exhibit at a zoo, Sirius looked to Remus first then back to James, they'd been looking for him all morning before McGonagall found them. Remus also stared intently, wondering where his friend had been for the entirety of last night and that morning. Peter squeaked, there James was!

"Well? Where have you been"? "Uh" James's uh dragged out for quite a while before someone came through the door behind him some what knocking him out the way.

"Excuse me professor" it was Severus Snape, Regulus Black was with him but he didn't cast a single glance to James and James didn't look at him as he grabbed the closest table (his and Lily's) for support.

"Mr.Snape" "professor" Regulus nodded to her as Snape handed over an envelope.

She read it over once, then twice. She grabbed her wand and left swiftly she peeked back in though and point to James "your not off the hook young man. Mrs.Evans please make sure they remain alive. Mr.Snape go get Pomfrey. Mr.Black-not you Sirius. Regulus. Stay" the boy frowned, he did not like being talked to like a dog, but he obeyed taking a seat in the professors chair, swiveling it about.

"So-what happened"? Sirius asked as soon as McGonagall left, "Professor Kettleburn has been hurt" Regulus said simply "we're taking bets. We believe he won't be teaching anymore" Regulus said and the Gryffindor's shared looks.

Before anyone else had the chance to speak the loud voice of Dumbledore came over the school "ALL CLASSES ARE CANCELLED THINK OF IT AS A TYPE OF BREAK. HAVE FUN"!

Sirius was up first pulling Remus with him staring at James "let's go outside" he said and Peter stood up following Sirius as he pulled Remus and James out.

Lily didn't move. Well she did just slowly, packing away her parchment and books.

Regulus stood up before bending down to tie up his shoes as he finished he felt a shadow cast over him. He glanced up to see Lily towering over him. When he stood she back up a bit so she could stare up at him.

"You and Potter are a thing"? "He's my boyfriend" Lily frowned "your taking advantage of him-" before she could finish Regulus held his hand up.

"Look. I don't need the little chat, I know what you did. Me and James are fine. You cheated on him, so you don't want him, let him be happy. He spends all his school years chasing you, then you set him up for failure and now he's happier and your trying to ruin it. You Lily Evans. Are a true Slytherin" he took off shoving past her and knocking her to the ground.

"Wait" she croaked as the tears fell, but he didn't stop as he left the room, and Lily Evans behind.


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