Chapitre Dix

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James could remember some very wise words, from someone at the time he didn't know, If you want love, you have to work for it. If you want love, you have to be flexible. If you want love, you got to snatch it up and take it. Most importantly, if you want love, you have to fucking earn it.

These words definitely reminded him of Remus. But these words were very important to him, James had wanted love, he was flexible, he had tried to snatch it up and take it, he'd definitely fucking earned it. But really, if you want love, you need to right person. James found the right person. He found his thing. 

It was June 28th, 1978. The Hogwarts express would leave in the next hour, the Marauders stared at their empty room, the posters, the sticky notes, their books and records. It was all packed up and down in the express, awaiting to be taken to their homes.

Sirius was going to become a healer in the magical creatures department, he'd be a great one seeing how he took care of Remus after full moons and how quick to learn he was.

Peter was going to become a seer, Peter was dating a girl named Mary, who was also in the Marauders year and he'd be moving off to England, to study to become a seer where she'd also study to become one. The two had met in divination and Peter delivered some horrible line like "I can see you and I together in the future" but more cheeky.

Remus was going to study to become a teacher, he had been offered a position at a muggle school for kids who were outcasted, whether they were gay and their parents lashed out, or they were missing an arm, or a leg, Remus instantly connect and decided he had to work there with those kids, because he had been one of those kids. Him and Sirius has gotten a house already, it was in Wales near Remus's parents but Sirius had also bought them a flat in London where'd they'd stay since it was closer to St.Mungos and the school Remus would be teaching at.

Lily was also going into healing, she was going to be a mediwitch under Pomfrey, she'd finally let them meet the Ravenclaw bloke, Thatcher Avery, he was actually really great and fit right in with the group.

Dorcas and Marlene had decided to move in together also, they were also staying in London, Dorcas was becoming a healer for the mind, like a therapist, Marlene was signed for Holyhead Harpies, and would be there new beater that next year.

James was also signed, for Puddlemere United, as their chaser, James had bought a nice house in Godrics Hallow a couple house down from his parents, he hadn't told Regulus yet, seeing as James had sent the money home to his mom to buy it for them.

Speaking of which James was walking to see Regulus and tell him about their place, it felt really surreal James had found love! It wasn't what he'd expected, Regulus was different, but he loved it. Loved their thing.

"Salazar" he said and the bricks shuffled opening up a hole for him to climb through.

"Potter" Nott mumbled as he heaved his trunk down the stairs, James nodded and went passed him.

He knocked once before pushing into the room, "hey" Regulus said, his room too was unpacked, he'd made his bed, cleaned the little corner chair that had been full of his and Barry's clothes and it smelled nice.

"Watcher Potter" Barty said coming out the bathroom with his toothbrush "heya Bart! Going to your grans this summer"? "Naw my dad wants me home, something about ministry banquets" the boy rolled his eyes as he slammed his trunk closed "well I'll leave you two to it, Reg see ya on the train, bye James" "bye Barty" Barty left, his trunk levitating behind him.

"So what brought you so far down"? "Can't come to see my boyfriend"? "You could've saw me on the train" Regulus said as James pulled him into him and kissed him.

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