Chapitre Cinq

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At the end of November Ravenclaw lost to Hufflepuff meaning before Christmas Holidays Gryffindor would be playing Ravenclaw and after break Slytherin would go against Hufflepuff.

For Christmas the four Marauders were planning to go home, it could be James's dads last Christmas and all four of the Marauders wanted to be there for it.

"Mum says we're having a huge Christmas party" James muttered and Sirius laughed "I know Mr.P would love that" "he will love that" James corrected and he couldn't help but notice the surprised look Sirius shot Remus.

"So" Peter said breaking the tension "I can't stay but like you guys said my mom will let me come to the party, since it's on Christmas Eve" he said with a slight smirk.

"I'm only staying until the party and then after I'm heading back to Wales, dads livid I won't be there for the beginning something about traditions. He loves traditions, getting a tree from the middle of no where, making our own decorations, gingerbread house competitions the whole shabang" Remus muttered and Sirius laughed. "I'm going to moonys on the 26th, let James have time with his parents" "our parents" James corrected absently as Sirius continued. "Lyall loves me" Remus scoffed but didn't say anything as they packed.

The last match of the year was being held on the 20th and everyone who would be leaving would be on the train on the 22nd.

The current date was December 17th and Regulus hadn't seen James in a bit, if you don't count them bumping into each other every so often, then otherwise, he hadn't seen him.

So currently Regulus was just laying around, he didn't have any plans and his mother gave him the ok to stay at school for this Christmas since Narcissa was planning her wedding to Lucius.

Regulus sighed, he didn't like how cold the dungeons were now that he'd gotten a taste of the heat in the Gryffindor common room.

"Hey, Black. You've got a visitor" Evan Rosier was a bloke in James's year and Regulus didn't quite like him but he was alright.

"Let him in" Regulus knew who it was by the pinched voice Rosier had, and sure enough James came in closing the door behind him and taking in the view of Regulus Black covered in blankets with only his feet hanging out. James thought it was luxurious, but what would you expect from the Slytherins? It was quite cold though, James didn't like the cold.

"Hello Regulus" "Potter" Regulus rolled and opened the blankets allowing James to come in, "how have you been"? "I've been alright, a bit tired. It's getting close to the holidays" Regulus muttered and James nodded "sure is, we're having a party, I wanted you to come" "to your house" James flushed "I mean. That's the plan-or after, Sirius is going to Wales with Remus on the 26th so on the 26th come and visit, I'm sure I can work it out with Dumbledore and my dad" Regulus nodded "alright I'll come, not to the party. You Potters throw them I've heard" James chuckled but he nodded "sure do, never can go wrong with a Potter party" he said.

For a moment the two of them were quite, they weren't snuggled up like they'd been in James's bed, both of them were content on just being together.

"So how is Sirius"? "He's alright, ready for break" "what's so good about break"? "Well think about it like this, no school, and he gets to spend unlimited time with his boyfriend" James said and Regulus hummed "come here" James said, he was a Gryffindor, so he pulled Regulus into him.

Regulus didn't object, he wasn't used to being held and this was nice and warm and so ridiculously cute that his head might fall off. Still he just let his head lay on James's chest.

"Is that our thing"? "What" "our thing. Are we boyfriends. Is that the term? Boyyyyy friendsssss" Regulus dragged out the two words making James laugh.

"Dunno what it takes to be certified boyfriends" "me neither. So next year, we can have an anniversary" Regulus said "yes but we're not dating so technically-" "I want it to be on a day we can remember" Regulus said, he sat up so he could stare in James's brown eyes.

"Ok I'll ask you out on Christmas" "no" Regulus huffed "that's my birthday" he mumbled and James gasped "your birthdays on Christmas"! "Christmas is on my birthday" Regulus said, repeating something that Sirius always used to tell him when he got upset that everyone forgot his birthday for Christmas.

"That's very Sirius of you to say" James said and Regulus laughed "he said it, I don't like that my birthday's on Christmas, despite my mom favoriting me, she always forget my birthday for Christmas, saying how much she hates the holiday, so when it comes to my birthday she just says how much she hates the holiday it shares and we never end up doing anything because she feels like it's celebrating Christmas" James scoffed at this, that was preposterous.

"That's so dumb, it's not your fault, it's really hers" James said and Regulus hummed, "so I'm going to ask you out on the 27th" "the 27th"? "Yes, I like the date, it ends with a 7 and on that day there's a huge party in the muggle town by where I live" Regulus smiled "ok".

The two of them laid there and soon fell asleep, Regulus was planning to get James a present, he was quite ready for it, to he someone's boyfriend, someone's everything. James was also ready, someone could loved him, that was a nice thought. Someone could love him! It was even better that the someone could be Regulus Black, he was sure he could love Regulus too.

Shorter chapter today, but anyways I have a plan for this story so don't worry to much, there's going to be a second book. Here's somethings that definitely will happen eventually whether in this book or the next I do not know, but it will happen (also I'm not good at writing angst, so there probably won't be much, like no unexpected break ups and things like that because I'm definitely not good at writing it).

1. Sirius and Remus's wedding!
2. The others finding out about James and Regulus.
3. Lily's love interest
4. Wolfstar babies!
5. Jegulus's wedding (or eloping)
6. Jegulus children?
7. Marlene McKinnon. Being an epic woman.

That's some of the things that will be added, so yea, the whole kids thing probably won't be till the second book but yea. Just an expectation. And don't worry on how the kid will be born there will be more on the topic when it comes up. Anyways thanks for reading! If you have any thing you'd like to see or suggestions comment then below.

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