Chapitre Trois

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The other Slytherins had taken a liking to Regulus's nails, which resulted in Regulus (being the Slytherin Prince he is) to talk to James about it.

James being the dork he is obviously went to Sirius with it and Sirius being the hustler he is turned it into a business, and since both were absolutely clueless on running a business and Remus Lupins muggle mother had her own little clothing store in Wales, they recruited him too. And since Peter shared a dorm with them, he was also included. But he made no profit because he's lazy.

So now the Marauders were an illegal nail salon called Nifty Nails, in their dormitory.

"Oi! James, we're out of purple polish" "ok" James with a wave of his wand restored to purple polish, "thanks" Sirius said returning to the nails he was doing.

Meanwhile Remus was writing furiously with muggle pencils.

The only way to accomplish the business was to add on to their bathroom, making it so it looked like a normal one if you were looking in but once you got the passcode you'd see a huge room with rows of tables, Sirius with his head lamp on, bent over a pair of false nails as he painted them, Lily doing toes, and Marlene clipping hair and waxing. Oh! And Dorcas on the piercing gun and makeup.

James sat down next to Sirius "alright I can get the next person"! James yelled and Marlene sat down "aren't you supposed to be styling"? She scoffed "uh I need a break to" she said holding out her hand "now I want my nails painted blue" she said and he chuckled taking her pretty hand into his own.


"Well a days work" Sirius said nodding as James swept the floor, "you could do that magically" Remus commented, a pencil behind his ear as he leaned against the table, arms crossed over his chest.

"I know, it's done like this in movies" James said and Sirius laughed "so mate, I never asked" James looked up, he knew what this was about. This was about why started this little nail business a week ago.

"I did it because he asked" "yes but my brother. We've never liked him" "no" James said shaking his head "so-you did it anyways" "yes" he said nodding.

Remus muttered something in Welsh.

"Yes? Yes as in yes I did it because I don't despise him, or yes I did it because he's your brother...or yes I did it because-" "yes because I wanted to and I was bored" James snapped and Remus raised an eyebrow.

"Ok" Sirius said and James nodded glancing up over his glasses at the two "don't you two have plans? It's dinner time" "I was waiting on you" Sirius said and Remus nodded "I'm good go on, if I don't show bring me back something"? "Naw we're having chicken-you hate chicken" "unless it's fried" Sirius added onto Remus's statement and James chuckled "best mates" he muttered as the two left.

James continued to sweep, as he did so he wondered why he actually did that, he always didn't like Regulus, he was like Sirius's parents.

"You did it for a different reason" James jumped with a scream as he turned to see Marlene McKinnon.

"Bloody hell Marlene! You scared me" "Lily told me what she did" Marlene whispered and James stared at her "it was wrong" she said and they stared at each other "but you can't be mean to her. She's a human being too. You know that right? She's feeling terrible" "she shouldn't have did it. I want her to feel terrible"! "James" Marlene was right in front of him now, but he won't forgive Lily.

"I know your insecure, I know your egos all the weight you carry, I know about Flea, I know Jamesie" she whispered cupping his face as he let one tear fall.

"It will be alright James. You have to heal, you have to forgive. You can't be mad at anyone. Yourself included. You are not perfect Potter, your a handsome lad, with terrible eyesight, your dads sick. People die James. Everyone has there time. Dragon Pox hurt, my mummy died from them when I was 5, all I remember is her being in pain, every day" Marlene didn't cry, she'd healed already, she'd forgave, she wasn't mad at anyone. Herself included.

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