Chapter 5~Jesse Holland

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As the final bell rings, I start walking to my locker. I spot Juliette a few rows down and wave casually. In return, she gives me the cold shoulder before heading outside. I sigh and walk to the opposite hallway. I spot Shay not too far away and speed up.

"Shay!" I call, and she stops and turns around. Her eyes don't glow the way they used to when she saw me but I can't say I don't deserve it. "I have basketball after school if you wanna swing by. It'll be like we used to and after we can get dinner-"

"Can't come." Shay interrupts. She goes to walk away but I stop her, gently grabbing her wrist.

"Why not?"

Shay lets out a frustrated sigh. "If you must know, Cole and I were going to go skating."

I frown. "Cole has practice too and besides, I thought you hated skating."

"Cole broke his wrist last week, didn't even tell you?"

"Of course he did!" No he didn't...

Shay doesn't seem to believe me but continues anyway. "I actually do like skating. Over December I learned how to but wouldn't know about that, I guess, now would you?" She shoots me an icy glare.

That hurts. "Fine, go with Cole, do whatever-"

"I will!" At that, she heads away. I don't stop her, how could I?

We broke up because she spent too much time with Cole. I get that they're friends and all but I wish they didn't hang out as much as they did.

I exit the school and walk towards my house. Three years ago my girlfriend, Carrie, and I were in a car accident. I was fine, only a broken leg and several scars and bruises. Nothing too extreme. Carrie, on the other hand, hit her head pretty badly and fractured several bones. She went crazy and died about a month later.

Even though that was years ago, I haven't been able to get into a car since. I either walk or bike, no matter the weather or distance. Sometimes I'll use my motorbike but, because it uses so much gas, I use it only when absolutely necessary.


There's several points of view in this story but don't worry, they're all dealing with the same problems for the most part. Please give me some advice, I would love to hear your thoughts. Have a great day/night! 💞

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