Chapter 58~Shay Dixon

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I wait for Cole all morning and finally, at around eleven in the morning, he comes by. When he opens the door to my room and sees that I'm weak, he rushes over to me instantly. He bends down to kiss me.

"You're alive." He says with relief.

I give him a weak smile. "I'm alive."

The nurse at the door gives me a knowing smile and exits the room, closing the door behind her.

"Did they catch Sasha?" I ask instantly.

Cole sighs and runs a hand through his blonde hair. "I'm sorry Shay, but it seems like Sasha got away. No one knows where she is. Or, if they do, they won't say."

"Sasha got away..." I repeat, shocked. "She's going to come back for us...she wouldn't let us just get away."

Cole shrugs. "Let's hope not. She'll have to keep a very low profile now that everyone knows what she did."

I nod. "She'll surely be after more people now more than you think we were her first victims?"

Cole shakes his head. "Her ex, Caleb Tanner, was the only other known victim. She probably killed-or almost killed-more though."

I can only nod.

"But hey, we'll be fine. If she did come for us, she would put a lot at risk. The cops could easily trace it back to her."

"What do we do now?" I look into Cole's light brown eyes.

Cole smiles. "For now, we go find her boyfriend."

"Good idea." I wrap my arms around him and he pulls me in, ensuring that he's careful when his right arm wraps around my side. "And Cole?" He looks into my eyes and I smile. "I love you too."

I lean in and out lips pull together like magnets.


Cole and I swing by Adam's house on Wednesday. It's been exactly one week since the accident and I'm recovering quickly. Besides a nasty scar, I shouldn't have any lasting effects. It will almost seem like nothing ever happened.

"Hi, Ms. Miller." I chime when a woman, looking almost exactly like Adam, answers the door.

"It's Parker, Miller is my ex husband's name." The woman says uneasily.

Her brown hair is a frizzy mess and her deep green eyes are bloodshot. "Cole and I were wondering if you would let us speak to Adam for a bit."

Ms. Parker flinches back. "I'm sorry dear, Adam's been missing since last Thursday."


The end of book one! I hope you enjoyed and I hope you will also consider reading the second book when I start it.

Please vote below which story you would like me to start next. All of the stories below will be published on Wattpad eventually it's just a matter of when that will be.

🖤Behind Locked Doors🖤
The sequel to Behind These Eyes. Will answer your questions on: What happens to Sasha? Where did Adam go? Where are Sadie and Jason now? All lose ends will be tied. Only to be untied that is...

❤️‍🔥Not My Type❤️‍🔥
A girl is asked out by the school player and she is the first girl to reject him. He spends days trying to get her attention while she spends her days trying to avoid him. That becomes hard when they're locked up in a musical instrument museum together over a long weekend.

❤️‍🩹They're All Liars❤️‍🩹
A girl with paranoid schizophrenia believes she is being stalked. She tries to convince others she isn't lying but no one will believe her and she doesn't trust anyone to tell the full story. One guy believes her though and helps her hunt down the stalker.

So what do you all think? Thank you for voting and have a wonderful day/night! 💞

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