Chapter 8~Shay Dixon

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I check out my outfit in the mirror. A simple black and white dress that ends just above the knee. I pad it with black pumps, diamond earrings, and a heart necklace Jesse had got me a year ago for my birthday.

I'm not even sure I want to go to the concert anymore. Don't get me wrong, the music and setup will be great. I'm just not really wanting to go with Jesse. I send Cole a quick text.

Me: Save me!

He responds only a minute later.

Cole: It'll be fine, just don't trip in those heels ;)

Me: How do you know what shoes I'm wearing?

Cole: You're predictable.

I roll my eyes. I hate being called predictable and he knows it. I hear the doorbell ring and I feel my stomach in my throat.

I go downstairs and open the door. Even though I know it's going to be Jesse, I still get my hopes up that it's someone else. Anyone else. Of course it's him though.

He's wearing a black leather jacket, a white shirt underneath. Dark jeans and black sneakers.

"You look great." He smiles.

"Thank you."

"Hey, Shay? Where's the-" I see my little sister dash around the corner but she stops mid sentence when she notices Jesse. "Heyyy."

"Hi, Penny." Jesse gives a weak smile. He knows he's not my sister's favourite person.

"What is it, Penny?" I sigh, secretly thankful for the interruption.

"Where's the ruler? I need it for my math project and my old one broke." Penny finishes, trying to ignore the fact that Jesse is here.

"It should be downstairs in the storage closet."

Penny nods and takes off.

"Ok, let's go." Jesse pulls me out the door after I quickly grab my over-the-shoulder black purse.

I spot his motorcycle parked outside. "What's that?" I suck in a breath.

"My bike, you remember?"

"Yes...I just thought we could walk..."

"It's nine o'clock and the concert is kinda a long way from here."

There's no way I'm getting on that bike.

Jesse notices my hesitation and passes me a black helmet to ruin my hair. "You'll be fine, only a short ride anyway."

I give a small smile and get on the back. I wrap my arms around him tightly as he starts up the bike. This is not at all what I was expecting and not in a good way. The whole ride there, I'm worried about falling off. How many times has he even rode one? I've rarely seen it at school and he didn't drive us on it when we were dating before.


After almost thirty minutes of being at the concert, I'm already looking forward to heading home.

The lead singer of the band that was going to play got injured and couldn't sing. So they switched to a different band that I'm pretty sure has yet to sing an original song. Not to mention Jesse is making awkward conversations about school and the weather.

There are still two and a half hours left of the concert. I don't think I can stay here much longer though.

"Jesse, I'm not feeling that great. I think I'm going to call home and get a ride."

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