Chapter 2~Shay Dixon

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"Did you hear about the new girl?" My best friend, Cole Chambers whispers as he sets his books down on the desk next to me. His straight blonde hair looks like it was just combed and his light brown eyes say he can't wait to reveal the news.

I frown and raise my eyebrows. "No. Why are you whispering?"

Cole takes a quick look around our english class. "Well, someone should inform you." I roll my pale blue eyes dramatically but he continues. "Her name's Sasha Jordan and apparently she killed her ex-boyfriend." Mount Baker could have a killer in it?

"Of course she did, what will they say about the next new kid? That they eat puppies for breakfast? That they robbed the bank with the help of their math teacher?" I laugh but stop when I see how serious Cole is. "Who told you this anyway?"


I stop him before he can finish. "First if all-"

"Here we go again..."

"Jesse loves drama. He feeds off others' misery. Second, he believes everything and anything that anyone says. Third-"

"Shay..." Cole warns me. "I know he's your ex and all but-"

"We're on a break!" I snap, then relax. "Sorry..."

Cole sighs. "Ok...on a break...but that doesn't mean he's a total liar. He's gotta be right about some things-even a broken clock is right twice a day."

"Yeah, well, I think Jesse might be missing both the clock hands." I sigh and then turn to listen to our teacher, Mr. Connors, as he starts talking. Christmas break was way too long and I'm so glad to be back at school.


I shut my locker door and bump straight into Jesse. The very last person I wanted to see today. I had hoped to avoid him at least one more week. I guess I better get it over with though, I can't avoid him forever.

"Stalk me much?" I glare into his dark brown eyes. Those soulless, haunting brown eyes.

"You're the one who ran into me." Jesse smirks. That evil, deranged smirk.

"Only because you were right there." I point out.

"Look, I don't want to argue with you. In fact, I want us to get back together." He looks so hopeful. I don't want to fall victim to one of his manipulations again though. If someone breaks your heart once, they can and will likely do it again. And again. And again. But I'm struggling under his influence.

I rub one of my honey blonde curls. "I don't know Jesse...I need more time..."

"It has been a month! I know I can be kind of... arrogant...but it's only because I like you!"

I wince, wishing I could find some truth in his words. Wishing he would prove that to me. Maybe I'm in denial that he could like me. But there's something in my gut that tells me he can't be trusted. He gets angry too quickly.

"Please, give me one more chance. There's a concert next week, we can go together. Even only as friends if you chose."

"Well..." I feel too much pressure. But Jesse was a great guy. He made me feel a lot more confident, like I could do or say anything. "One more chance. But Jesse, if you mess this up, we're done."

Jesse nods, his eyes looking brighter already. "Great."


"What happened to "Jesse loves drama. He feeds off others' misery. He's a monster in disguise!"." Cole mimics my voice.

"I...didn't say the last part..." I back away.

Cole rolls his eyes, as if the last part make a difference. It doesn't but I don't let him know that. "It was heavily implied. So why are you with him?"

"It's none of your business, you shouldn't care. Besides, you play hockey and basketball together and you seem like good enough friends. You should be happy for us." I scoff, getting out of his car.

Cole opens his mouth but seems at loss for words. He brushes his blonde hair back with a hand. "Are we still heading out after lunch?" He asks after a moment.

I shake my head. "I need to walk, I'll see you there."

Cole frowns. "Are you being serious? It would be easier if-"

"It's only a fifteen minute walk." At that, I spin around on my right heel and walk away. I hear Cole drive off.

"Is that your boyfriend?" A voice behind me asks.

I turn around and notice a girl leaning against a red Subaru Legacy. Her jet black hair hangs straight, ending at her waist and hiding half her face. Her bright blue eyes appear almost animal-like. In her hands, she grips a shiny red apple, still waiting to be bit.

"He's just a friend." I grunt.

The girl shakes her head. "He just seemed to care about you and...the way he looked at you..." She trails off.

"Aren't you a snoop?"

This changes the girls expression from careless to borderline angry. "I mean, you guys were hardly more than five metres away."

I sigh. "Sorry, it has been a long day."

She nods. "I understand, what's your name?"

"Shay Dixon, and you are?"

The girl hesitates, one eye twitches for a split second. If I didn't know any better, I would say she is scared. But scared of what? "I'm Sasha Jordan."


So that was longer than the fist chapter. Thank you so much for reading even if it's because you were bored and had nothing better to do. Hope you enjoyed and have a wonderful day/night! 💞

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