Chapter 3~Juliette Austin

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I watch Shay and Jesse walk down the hall together, happily reunited. Tears burn behind my eyes, threatening to spill. I know if I cry, I won't be able to stop. How could he do this to me? I am considering begging my mom to move out of Cranbrook.

December was great, Jesse got Shay to pause their relationship. He let me have a shot with him. Unfortunately, one shot was all I got. As soon as I kissed him, he ran out on me. He said he was sorry. He said he cared too much about Shay. He said we were better off friends.

He'll probably be going off to college soon anyway. I'm only in grade 10 so I may never see him again. That doesn't make it hurt any less though.

As soon as Shay leaves, I work up the confidence to go up to him.

"Heyyyy." Jesse laughs nervously. He very well should be.

"Why are you back with her?"

"She's my girlfriend. Has been for almost two years." His dark brown hair hangs just over his eyes, making it hard for me to guess what's going through his head. I still think I have a good guess though.

"Did I mean nothing to you?" I choke back tears.

"Look Jules, December was great and I don't regret it but right now I need to focus on Shay." Jesse says matter of factly.

"Excuse me-what do you mean right now? I'm not second choice!" A tear spills slowly down my cheek and I use my palm to wipe it up. I don't care if it smudges my makeup. He's the one not being fair.

"You're not..." Jesse stops and then realizes his hesitation speaks loudly enough.

"Well, I see how it is. I don't want a guy who doesn't want me. Goodbye Jess." I spin around on my heel and start to walk away.

I hear him call out "Jules" but I keep walking. He doesn't follow and as soon as I round the corner, I allow myself to burst into tears.

"You okay?" Oh crap. I don't even want to look up. How humiliating.

When I look up, I notice a girl I've never seen before. Her straight, jet black hair is down to her waist and hangs like a curtain. Her bright blue eyes stare wildly at me and I'm surprised at how big they are.

"Who are you?" I ask cautiously.

"Sasha, and you?"

"Juliette." I bite my lip. There's something off about her.

"I couldn't help but overhear you and your...friend." Sasha glances around the long hallway.

I rush to explain myself but it's going to sound bad no matter what I say. "I know I shouldn't have made him cheat but I really like him and he doesn't even like Shay."

"Is that so?" Sasha seems slightly intrigued but it's hard to tell. She appears to have a very good poker face. "Well, I should be going to class. Good luck with...that."

I give her a stiff nod as she walks away.


Let me know what you think, any feedback is welcome. I decided to post the first three chapter in the book on the same day although from now on I will try to post one a day. The three chapters at once was just to get you interested. Hope you are! Have a great day/night! 💞

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